Tuesday, August 30, 2011


 Recently we took an extended hike in the mountains.  Our destination was to see a beautiful waterfall and then to see the gigantic rocks along the river.
The path started wide and straight, with lovely trees along the way.  Then the path began to get steeper, and there were more rocks in the path.  Then we begin to climb, and the climb became so steep that my husband held me by the hand as we walked higher and higher. 

Then there were rocks, more and more of them.  I am not very agile when it comes to climbing over rocks.  I am always afraid my feet will slip, but my faithful husband continued to hold my hand and guide me over the rocks and to see the falls as they cascaded down the mountainside.  Oh, the beauty of God’s creation!

After seeing the falls, we headed back down the path and to the river.  But first came more climbing over rocks, even steeper than our previous climb.  And there they were, enormous rocks, with the river flowing over and around them.  And many people were bathing their feet in the cold waters of the river.  As I looked around at the enormous rocks, the cascading river, the trees, I begin to liken this experience to my walk with the Lord and how He guides me down the pathway of life, even though there may be enormous rocks in my pathway.  And I am reminded that He is my Rock, He is my Fortress, and He is my deliverer (Psalm 18:2).  My God is immovable and He never changes and He is as solid as those rocks!

You may have enormous rocks in your pathway today.  Some of those rocks are big enough to climb on and others are gigantic.  We may have rocks of cancer in our pathway.  There may be rocks of fear, anguish, grief, financial stress.  In the midst of our darkest nights God promises to light a lamp and bring light to your darkness. (Psalm 18:28)  And our Lord Jesus has walked the path of suffering, and is ever full of love and compassion for your tears.

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps” Proverbs 16:9.

As we walk this pathway, we may plan where we are going, but as we serve the LORD and seek His will for our lives, it is the LORD that will direct our steps.  He will guide us in the right direction and down the path for our lives, according to His will.  And isn’t it wonderful to know that He is leading us and guiding us all the way, no matter what the obstacles that may lie ahead on that pathway. 

“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” Psalm 16:11.

Oh, the joy of walking down that pathway with Jesus!  And He reminds us that we can look up toward our final destination.  “God will guide me with His counsel, and then lead me home to glory” Psalm 73:24.

And then the path gets steeper.  There are obstacles in my path.  Sometimes I feel I cannot take another step.  I just don’t have the strength to go on.  Sometimes the storms come on my pathway and I can hardly see my way ahead, and it may be dark and fearful times in my life.   Are you going through similar circumstances right now?  You don’t know which path to take, and the path you are on is steep and narrow?

“God will bring me by a way I did not know; God will lead me in paths I have not known.  He will make darkness light before me, and crooked places straight.  God will do these things for me, and not forsake me” Isaiah 42:16.

God knows the way ahead, and it may be on a pathway that we have never trod before.    For He promises He will never leave us or forsake us ( Hebrews 13:5-6).  Oh, what a Wonderful God we serve!

And as I walked that path, I was so fearful of losing my footing and falling.  There were many rocks to climb over and I was not sure where to plant my feet safely.  But on my pathway walking with our Lord He promises: “I will walk safely in my way, and my foot will not stumble; for the Lord will be my confidence, and will keep my foot from being caught. (Proverbs 3:23 & 26).

And as I trod this path, my husband holding my hand up the steep trail and over the rocks, I was reminded of My Heavenly Father who promises to hold my right hand (Psalm 139:10).  And He is also our Shepherd always leading and guiding us always upward toward the goal.

“One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, I press toward the goal of God in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:13-14.

So we keep pressing on this pathway that He has set us on, even though there may be rocks of testing and trial in our pathway.  The climb may be steep and rocky, but we never look back, for our Wonderful God is holding our hand all the way, as we continually look upward.  We look forward to our heavenly prize ahead, and that is our goal.  Praise the Lord!

Blessings as you continue to walk this pathway with our Lord!

Pastor Sharon

Monday, August 8, 2011

Dear Precious Friends,

I will be on vacation for two weeks, and will be back with you on Sept. 30th.  So God Bless You, keep your eyes on the goal ahead, and keep climbing that pathway with Jesus.

Pastor Sharon Besler


 Recently we took an extended hike in the mountains.  Our destination was to see a beautiful waterfall and then to see the gigantic rocks along the river.
The path started wide and straight, with lovely trees along the way.  Then the path began to get steeper, and there were more rocks in the path.  Then we begin to climb, and the climb became so steep that my husband held me by the hand as we walked higher and higher. 

Then there were rocks, more and more of them.  I am not very agile when it comes to climbing over rocks.  I am always afraid my feet will slip, but my faithful husband continued to hold my hand and guide me over the rocks and to see the falls as they cascaded down the mountainside.  Oh, the beauty of God’s creation!

After seeing the falls, we headed back down the path and to the river.  But first came more climbing over rocks, even steeper than our previous climb.  And there they were, enormous rocks, with the river flowing over and around them.  And many people were bathing their feet in the cold waters of the river.  As I looked around at the enormous rocks, the cascading river, the trees, I begin to liken this experience to my walk with the Lord and how He guides me down the pathway of life, even though there may be enormous rocks in my pathway.  And I am reminded that He is my Rock, He is my Fortress, and He is my deliverer (Psalm 18:2).  My God is immovable and He never changes and He is as solid as those rocks!

You may have enormous rocks in your pathway today.  Some of those rocks are big enough to climb on and others are gigantic.  We may have rocks of cancer in our pathway.  There may be rocks of fear, anguish, grief, financial stress.  In the midst of our darkest nights God promises to light a lamp and bring light to your darkness. (Psalm 18:28)  And our Lord Jesus has walked the path of suffering, and is ever full of love and compassion for your tears.

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps” Proverbs 16:9.

As we walk this pathway, we may plan where we are going, but as we serve the LORD and seek His will for our lives, it is the LORD that will direct our steps.  He will guide us in the right direction and down the path for our lives, according to His will.  And isn’t it wonderful to know that He is leading us and guiding us all the way, no matter what the obstacles that may lie ahead on that pathway. 

“You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” Psalm 16:11.

Oh, the joy of walking down that pathway with Jesus!  And He reminds us that we can look up toward our final destination.  “God will guide me with His counsel, and then lead me home to glory” Psalm 73:24.

And then the path gets steeper.  There are obstacles in my path.  Sometimes I feel I cannot take another step.  I just don’t have the strength to go on.  Sometimes the storms come on my pathway and I can hardly see my way ahead, and it may be dark and fearful times in my life.   Are you going through similar circumstances right now?  You don’t know which path to take, and the path you are on is steep and narrow?

“God will bring me by a way I did not know; God will lead me in paths I have not known.  He will make darkness light before me, and crooked places straight.  God will do these things for me, and not forsake me” Isaiah 42:16.

God knows the way ahead, and it may be on a pathway that we have never trod before.    For He promises He will never leave us or forsake us ( Hebrews 13:5-6).  Oh, what a Wonderful God we serve!

And as I walked that path, I was so fearful of losing my footing and falling.  There were many rocks to climb over and I was not sure where to plant my feet safely.  But on my pathway walking with our Lord He promises: “I will walk safely in my way, and my foot will not stumble; for the Lord will be my confidence, and will keep my foot from being caught. (Proverbs 3:23 & 26).

And as I trod this path, my husband holding my hand up the steep trail and over the rocks, I was reminded of My Heavenly Father who promises to hold my right hand (Psalm 139:10).  And He is also our Shepherd always leading and guiding us always upward toward the goal.

“One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, I press toward the goal of God in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:13-14.

So we keep pressing on this pathway that He has set us on, even though there may be rocks of testing and trial in our pathway.  The climb may be steep and rocky, but we never look back, for our Wonderful God is holding our hand all the way, as we continually look upward.  We look forward to our heavenly prize ahead, and that is our goal.  Praise the Lord!

Blessings as you continue to walk this pathway with our Lord!

Pastor Sharon

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


 As we were traveling recently through the mountain and the forest to the coast, I was looking at the trees on the mountainside.  Then I looked at those along the stream flowing down the cliff, and wondered why some trees are straight and tall.  Some seem to be bent by the wind and the snows of winter.  Some have simply died.
 Then we drove through the giant redwood forests, and again I marveled at God’s creation and why some seem to reach to the sky, and others are drying up.

 Then the thought came to me that we are like those trees.  Some of us are strong and green and can stand strong in the midst of howling winds, rain, and the storms that come into our lives.  Others of us give up in the midst of storms and trials, our roots wither, and we lose our grip on life.  We no longer seek God in His Word or spend time in prayer.  Many think God has forgotten them in their suffering.

 And I looked again at those trees growing by the riverbank, strong and green.  They are the ones whose roots go deep down into the stream.  There are other trees which seem to grow right out of the walls of the cliff and their roots reach down into the stream bed.  Let’s look at God’s Word and see what the Lord has to say about trees and how they relate to our own lives and our walk with the Lord.

 “Blessed are those who trust in the LORD their hope and confidence.  They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.  Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought.  Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit”  Jeremiah 17:7-8. (NLT)

 Here we have a beautiful picture of those going through the great storms of life.  When he heat of trial comes, or times of great need or lack.  Sometimes we are worried about the needs of tomorrow, but these in the passage of scripture are not worried.  The LORD says they are “blessed,” because they put their hope and trust in the LORD in their great time of need.  And notice that they never stop producing fruit, no matter what the trial or how many years they may live.

 “But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.  For they are transplanted to the LORD’s own house, they flourish in the courts of our God.  Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green” Psalm 92:12-14. (NLT)

 It is said that the cedars of Lebanon grew to 120 feet in height and up to 30 feet in circumference; thus, they were solid, strong and immovable.  The writer of the Psalm saw believers as upright, strong, and unmoved by the winds of circumstance.  When we place our faith firmly in God’s care, even when the storms howl around us, we will walk in His strength.  And notice that even when we hit our senior years, we can still be bearing fruit.  We can be walking daily in the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:21), still be a witness to those around us and be an intercessor, praying for our friends and loved ones and our grandchildren and generations to come (Psalms 71:18).

 "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.  But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night.  They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.  They leaves never wither, and they proper in all they do”  Psalms 1:1-3.

 Here we have another lovely picture of that tree by the river, standing straight and tall, unmoved by the winds of circumstance or by the storms that beat upon it, or by the rain or snow that may come.  This tree is also drawing deep into the river bank.  This is a lovely picture again of the Holy Spirit and the Living Water that Jesus talks about in John 4 and John 7.  It is drawing from the living waters of the Holy Spirit that we grow and draw nourishment.

 And how do we continue to grow straight and tall in times of testing and trial?  How can we keep producing fruit in our lives, having leaves that never wither and prospering  in whatever He calls us to do?  “But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night” (v 2).  It is staying in the Word of God, memorizing it, letting it sink deep into our hearts and meditating or pondering the fresh Word of God day and night.  It is finding a quiet place daily, feeding our souls with His Word and spending time in prayer.

 Then we will be like those trees by the river in the mountains, strong and straight, green and producing fruit and drawing water deep from the stream.  We won’t have to be like the other trees who are right there by the river, but have dried up.  They have dried up because their roots did not go deep into the stream. Maybe they are like some of us, we start growing, but trials and things of this world come in and we cease to draw nourishment from the Living Water, the Living Water that only comes by the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

 So what kind of tree are you, my friend?  Are you straight and tall?  Are your roots going deep into the Water of the Word of God?   God is calling His people back into His Word, into prayer and spending  time with Him.  Things are tough in the world situation, and all around us.  We all need to be drawing our strength from Him and then our hope and strength are secure no matter what the circumstances of life may bring.  God Bless you as you dig deep into His Word and continue to let your roots go deep into the Living Waters.  Praise the Lord!

 In Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Sharon