Today, in our area, is another day of rain and wind, and
dark clouds in the sky. That is how this
past week has been in my life as I walk this path with my Lord. There have been times of tears, of fear, and
times of weariness. I know many of you
have times such as these. There are
nights of darkness as we walk in the valley of despair.
I know of so many right now that are walking a dark
valley of sickness and pain. And it is
like there is “no light at the end of the tunnel.” And sometimes we feel so
very alone and discouraged. But we are
not alone, even though it seems that Jesus is so far away. But in this walk of faith, I have come to
know that He has never left me. I don’t
understand entirely why we have to go through a lot of things, but God knows.
But today I realize afresh how very precious is Jesus! He
comes to us in the midst of our doubts and fears with His precious love and
abiding presence. It is time to look on
the other side of my struggle and know afresh this Wonderful Savior, who died
for me and His promise of eternal life with Him. I look out my window and see those clouds and
realize that my God created those clouds, My God brings the rain and My God
controls the wind. And in my life, He is
control of those winds, that rain, and those storms that pound on me along this
path to heaven.
And it is in these times, as I go into His Word,
especially the Psalms and feel His comforting arms around me. He is my strength and my song! And as I ponder on His marvelous grace, He
becomes so precious and I wonder how I could have every doubted Him. I know it is hard in the midst of night
seasons when the tears flow. But He is
in indeed so precious!
So my friends, if you are in the midst of a dark valley
of pain and trial right now, be reminded that this precious Savior loves you so
much. And there will be a time when you
will again be on the mountain top of blessings and you will look back on that
valley that you walked through and see His footprints all the way as He carried
you through that valley onto the mountain top again, for He is so precious!
“So precious is
Jesus, My Saviour, my King, His praise all the day long with rapture I sing; to
Him in my weakness for strength I can cling, for He is so precious to me.
For He is so precious to me, for He is so precious to me; ‘tis heaven
below my Redeemer to know, for He is so precious to me.
He stood at my
heart’s door ‘mid sunshine and rain, and patiently waited an entrance to gain;
what shame that so long He entreated in vain, for He is so precious to me.
I stand on the
mountain of blessing at last, no clouds in the heavens a shadow to cast; His
smile is upon me, the valley is past, for He is so precious to me.
I praise Him
because He appointed a place, where someday, thro’ faith in His wonderful
grace, I know I shall see Him, shall look on His face, for He is so precious to
me.” (Charles H. Gabriel)
And He calls us to praise Him because He is indeed our
strength. We are weak but our Precious
Jesus is strong.
“God is our refuge
and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though
the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and
be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling” Psalm 46:1-3.
And there He is, our Precious Lord, calling us not to
fear even though we feel like our “whole world” is crashing down around
us. And we can hide in Him, our “refuge
and our strength.”
“Behold, I stand
at the door and knock. If anyone hears
My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him and He with
me” Revelation 3:20.
And sometimes in the storm, our hearts are so fearful and
our eyes dimmed by tears, that we don’t hear Him calling us to let Him come in
and calm our hearts and bring us peace.
He is patient and He waits for us to cry out to Him. We have to open the door to Him. And then He comes bringing us His Wonderful
peace and calls us to take Him as our “Bread of Life.”
He also is calling if you do not know this Precious Jesus
as your Savior and Lord. He stands at
your heart’s door waiting for you, my friend.
And He invites you to open your heart and let Him come in and be your
Lord and your King.
“Beloved, now we
are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we
know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He
is. And everyone who has this hope in
purifies himself, just as He is pure” I John 3:2-3.
Yes, He has appointed us a place, because we are His
children, who have made Him their Lord and Savior. He promises us that He is building us a
mansion in John 14:1-3. What a precious
promise and hope we have in Him! And we
try to imagine what it will be like to see Him face to face. We just know according to His Word in I
Corinthians 15:50-53, that when Jesus comes, we will be changed from this old
body of flesh into a body like His glorious body. We shall see Him face to face just as He is.
“For now we see in
a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known” I
Corinthians 13:12.
For right now, until Jesus comes, glimpses of eternity
and His Wonderful face are veiled, but someday, oh, Praise the Lord, we shall
finally see Him face to face!
Let His Word dwell in you and bring encouragement to your
heart today. And when we have these
precious promises, we are filled with hope.
We have that “Blessed hope” ((Titus 2:13), and we can look forward to
eternity with our Precious Lord! And as
we think on these things, He becomes more precious everyday as we walk along
this pathway with Him.
In Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Sharon