Monday, March 31, 2014




As I sit here today, the wind is blowing and the skies are grey.  And I am reminded that it is like that it our own lives.  The wind blows through our lives and our skies turn to grey, but I am so thankful that I belong to the Lord Jesus and He is the “Sonshine” in my life even on dreary days.  And by faith, I can lean on Him, and knowing that He holds me by my right hand and lifts me up in the “Everlasting Arms.”


There are so many right now on “my list” that are suffering and discouraged.  And they wonder why they have to go through these things day after day.  Some people are considered terminal and unless Jesus heals, they will soon go home to glory.


And right now we read in the news headlines about grieving families asking “why?” We hear of great disasters with great loss of life and our hearts go out to the mothers, fathers, children and other family members.  But someday, for those who know Jesus, all those questions and the “Whys” will be answered and we will know and understand, when we see our Lord face to face.


This is an old gospel song that some of you may remember.  And some of you may be asking these questions right now: “How could a loving God allow such a horrible thing to happen? Why do good people suffer and bad people prosper, why me, God, why me?”        Here is the story of how “Farther Long” was written:


“Late in the nineteenth century, W.B. Stevens, a preacher in the little crossroads village of Queen City, Missouri, was struggling.  His young son had died suddenly, and he was devastated. He had counseled many people who had lost loved ones.  He had given them the right Bible verses, and he had prayed with them and comforted them, but this sorrow struck home.


He wondered if he could keep preaching; recently his sermons seemed hollow.  How could a loving God allow such a horrible thing to happen? Why me, God, why me?


Stevens wrote down his thoughts in a poem.  He had no easy answers-only the assurance that “we’ll understand it all by and by.” Little did he know that his simple poem expressing a fathers’ heartache would become one of the best-known gospel songs to comfort others with heavy hearts.”  (William Peterson, HYMNS)




Tempted and tried we’re oft made to wonder

Why it should be thus all the day long

While there are others living about us

Never molested though in the wrong.



Farther along we’ll know all about it,

Farther along we’ll understand why.

Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine,

We’ll understand it all by and by.


When death has come and taken our loved ones

It leaves our home so lonely and drear.

And do we wonder why others prosper

Living so wicked year after year.


[Repeat Chorus]


When we see Jesus coming in glory,

When He comes down from His home in the sky.

Then we shall meet Him in that bright mansion,

We’ll understand it all by and by.


W.B. Stevens


My dear friends, let me encourage you today, all is not lost.  We have the “God of all comfort” along side of us (II Corinthians 1:3).  I, too, have days of discouragement and have had days of pain, and sometimes feel like I just can’t go on, but I have a hope and look to the joy ahead and my eternity with Jesus my Lord. I too have lost a precious loved one not quite two years ago, and I still have those moments when a memory will surface with a song she loved or a treasure that was hers, or a glance at her picture.  In those times I so long to be able to share my heart with her.  So I know that many of you out there experience those moments too. Let me share with you God’s Word to bring you comfort in these times.


“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.  We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed.  We are driven to despair.  We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God.  We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.  Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.” II Corinthians 4:6-8.


And, oh picture the day when we see Jesus coming in the clouds of glory, coming down from His home in the sky to gather His children home.  What a meeting that will be there in the sky!  And we will then understand it all by and by.  As one song says, “Just One Glimpse of His dear face, all sorrows will erase, so bravely run the race till we see Christ.”


In Jesus’ Name,

Pastor Sharon





Tuesday, March 18, 2014




As we traveled recently up north I noticed the many flocks of sheep along the way.  And the pastures were so green, and sometimes there were still waters nearby.  And there were the new little lambs with their mothers.  It was such a picture of the twenty-third Psalm.  There were the vivid green pastures. Some sheep were lying down and some were drinking beside those still waters.  What a picture?  And I ask the Lord as to what message He would give me, as there were so many different themes there out in those pastures. 


I always think of the “Lamb of God,” the perfect Lamb.  And I think of our Shepherd, the “Great Shepherd of the Sheep”( Hebrews 13:20),  who leads us and guides us along in our life journey. And we need Him so much.  We go through so many trials, and where could we go if we did not have Him to lead us and guide us. 


I think of that often, as I hear of people going through great times of suffering and pain. My mind cannot fathom the pain that some go through.  In my own family loved ones continue to go through a great struggle and it seems to never end, but oh what peace He brings! I am writing from my heart this evening, as my heart is heavy knowing that many of you are also going through great times of suffering.  On the other side is the joy knowing that another dear one’s suffering is finally over, no more tears or pain and is home with His Lord.


I love the old hymn stories, and as I was thinking of our Precious Shepherd, this song came to me, Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us, and we need Him so much.  As you look at the words, realize that it is a prayer for Him to come afresh into our lives.  But first let me share with you the story behind this hymn, an amazing story of God’s tender care.


“Of all the names and titles given to Jesus, perhaps most beloved is Shepherd, a title Jesus gave Himself in John 10. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep, and even gives His life for His sheep.  Scripture also says that He knows His sheep by name.


On Christmas Eve 1875, Ira Sankey, the gospel singer who accompanied evangelist Dwight L. Moody, was traveling with friends by steamboat up the Delaware River.  He was asked to sing for the other passengers, but instead of singing a Christmas carol, he felt he should sing, “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us.” 


Afterward, another passenger asked him if he had been doing picket duty on a particular night at a particular place during the Civil War.  Sankey agreed that he was.  The other passenger said, “I, too, was on duty that night; I was serving in the Confederate Army, and I saw you and raised my musket to take aim.  And then you began to sing.  It was the same hymn you sang tonight.  I remembered my mother singing that hymn to me, and I could not shoot you.”


On board the steamboat , Sankey put his arm around the man and introduced him to the Good Shepherd, who gave His life for the sheep.”  (“Hymns” by William J. Petersen)




Saviour, like a shepherd lead us, much we need Thy tender care; in Thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use Thy folds prepare: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are.


We are Thine; do Thou befriend us, be the guardian of our way; keep Thy flock, from sin defend us, seek us when we go astray; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, hear Thy children when they pray; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, hear Thy children when they pray.


Thou hast promised to receive us, poor and sinful though we be; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, grace to cleanse, and pow’r to free: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, early let us turn to Thee; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, early let us turn to Thee.


Early let us seek Thy favor, early let us do Thy will; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, with Thy love our bosoms fill: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still.” (William H. Bradbury, 1816-1868)


The words of this song are indeed a prayer from the heart to our Blessed Jesus, our Precious Shepherd.  I see so many wondering sheep, lost in their way, lost in their pain and sorrow.  We all need His tender care.  He bought us at Calvary with His precious blood, we who have excepted the cross and His sacrifice, asked Him to forgive our sins, belong to Him for all eternity.  Praise the Lord!


We ask Him to guard our pathway, as we go through life with Him.  And we ask Him to draw us back into His fold when we stray, and to hear us when we fall on our knees in prayer, asking Him to restore us to the fold.


He has promised to receive us, even though we were lost sinners.  Oh, the wonderful grace and mercy that He bestows upon His children!  And that promise extends to eternity when He will receive us home forever with Him.  Oh, the joy of that day when we meet our Shepherd face to face!


And He calls us to seek Him, to spend time in prayer, asking Him to guard our way, and then He fills our lives with His love.  Oh, what joy to seek Him early in the day.  But no matter when or where you seek Him, He is there with all His love for you, my friend.


“So, Precious Shepherd, we need you!  We ask that You guard the way of those who are reading this right now.  Let them know that You are near and have loved them from the beginning and loved them enough to go to the cross for them. May they feel your presence right now, in Jesus’ Name!”


Pastor Sharon


Wednesday, March 5, 2014



As I sit here at my computer this windy and rainy evening my mind goes back through the years and I wonder where have they gone? I think of the milestones of my life, as I have just passed the anniversary of when I accepted Jesus as my Savior, 60+years.

But in all those passing years, One person has been at the center of my life.  And I can’t thank Him enough.  Oh, how I love the Lord Jesus Christ and how He has met me through the good and bad times of my life.  He has always been there even when I drifted away at times, being too busy,  He always drew me back into His arms of love.

He has been there in the shadows and the sunshine.  He has been there in the tears and in the joys of my life.  He has been there when I felt like I could not go one step further, and He was there in the next step I took.  He is my Shepherd, my God and the love of my heart forever.  When it seems like my trial goes on forever and the pain never ceases, He is there and grows sweeter and sweeter.  He grows sweeter as I age and many years are behind me and heaven is even closer now, and someday I will see His face.  Right now I just sense His presence and He comes to me in the night and He comes in sweet moments during the day.  And He is sweeter as the years go by, and they seem to go by quicker now as I am older.  But, oh, the joy of His presence and His smile!


Of  Jesus’ love that sought me, when I was lost in sin; of wondrous grace that brought me back to His fold again; of heights and depths of mercy, far deeper than the sea, and higher than the heavens, my theme shall ever be.

REFRAIN:  Sweeter as the years go by, sweeter as the years go by, richer, fuller, deeper, Jesus’ love is sweeter, sweeter as the years go by.

He trod in old Judea life’s pathway long ago; the people thronged about Him, His saving grace to know; He healed the broken hearted, and caused the blind to see; and still His great heart yearneth in love for even me. (Refrain)

T’was wondrous love which led Him for us to suffer loss, to bear without a murmur the anguish of the cross; with saints redeemed in glory, let us our voices raise, till Heav’n and earth re-echo our Redeemer’s praise (Refrain).  (Lelia N.Morris)

This precious lady, Lelia N. Morris, wrote this wonderful hymn in 1912.  She was active in the Methodist church, camp meetings, and song writing.  She wrote more than 1,000 Gospel songs.  When her eyes began to fail in 1913, her son built a 28 foot blackboard with oversized staff lines, so she could continue composing.

In her busy life of serving Jesus and later even becoming blind, she found her Savior even sweeter as the years went by.  What a testimony of faith!

Can you fathom the love of Jesus reaching out to us as lost sheep, as we were lost in sin and with His mercy and grace He draws into the fold.  And when we wonder from Him, He gently draws us back into His arms and oh the sweet love of My Shepherd as He tenderly folds His lambs into His bosom.

“I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever; with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.  For I have said, “Mercy shall be built up forever: Your faithfulness You shall establish in the very heavens” Psalm 89:1.

We read in the Gospels as He walked this earth, healing the sick, opening blind eyes, breaking bread to feed the hungry and His deep compassion to the multitudes that thronged around Him.  And today, He lives within our hearts, healing our hurts our sickness, walking with us through the storms of our lives, healing our blindness, and forgiving our sins, and giving us just a glimpse of eternity with Him.  He opens our hearts as we read His Word and truly as we study and pray, His Word becomes sweeter and sweeter, as the Word says it becomes honey to our taste. “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103

And this wonderful love, His sweet love, took Him to the cross to bear my sins and yours, and someday, because of that great love, we will sing with the saints in glory, and shout our victory songs, as we behold our Precious Savior and all we have gone through down here will be worth it all.  And we will truly be able to say, He was sweeter as the years went by, and now in eternity, He will grow even sweeter as we abide with Him forever!

In Jesus’ Precious Name,
Pastor Sharon