Tuesday, January 22, 2013



What a joy it is to serve the Lord.  And as I look around the world and see the heartache and sorrow and as the world seems to grow spiritually darker and darker in the times that we live, I am so glad that we as believers have a “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13), as we look forward to that blessed day when our Lord returns.

Some of our beloved family and friends have made that transition to their heavenly home this past year, and I think of my loved one often, and wonder that the joy she is experiencing there with her Lord, and reunited with dear family and friends.  As I get older and into my senior years, heaven just seems closer, and I find my myself looking up at the clouds and wondering when that day will come, or if I will go to be with Him before that day.  We all hope to be the ones who meet Him in the air on that glorious day.

Oh, as I look around at my world, I think that it can’t be long before He comes.  But we don’t know the day nor the hour when He will appear.  I remember as a small child in my church we were taught also that He would come at any time and to be watching always.

As I have shared with you in the past, the Lord always gives me a song to share.  And it seems I always feel His music in my soul and sing out His praises in Hymns often.  But one morning a few years ago, we were with our daughter in an eastern state, and just before I awoke I had a dream.  And I don’t dream dreams often, but it was so real.  We have a precious handicapped lady in our church, who at one time was a very beautiful, tall lady.  I didn’t know her at that time in her life, but photos of her in the past show her as very lovely.  I have spent some time with her, encouraging her when she is discouraged.

In my dream I saw her straight and tall, clothed in white and very beautiful.  And I began to sing a song as I was waking up for the day.  My husband heard me singing and with tears I shared  with him my dream and this song.  I have encouraged my friend many times with this song, reminding her that “Some Golden Daybreak Jesus Will Come.”  Some golden daybreak there will be no more wheelchairs or bent over bodies wracked in pain and despair.

In 1934 Rev. C.A. Blackmore was preaching a series of radio messages about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. A woman who had been bedridden for twenty-three years wrote in to ask, “Will I really be well in heaven?  Will all pain and sorrow actually be gone?

Blackmore responded, “Yes, my friend, some glorious day, when Jesus comes, you will leap from that bed with all the vigor of youth and never know pain again. 
Blackmore’s son, Carl, was impressed with his father’s series and wrote the chorus, “Some Golden Daybreak.”  Then he said to his father, “Dad, you should write some verses for this chorus.”

A short time later, Blackmore awoke early one morning.  Unable to go back to sleep, he began to pray and meditate on the return of Christ.  Then came the words to the verses of “Some Golden Daybreak.”


“Some glorious morning sorrow will cease, some glorious morning all will be peace; heartaches all ended, school days all done, Heaven will open Jesus will come.

Refrain:  Some golden daybreak Jesus will come; some golden daybreak, battles all won.  He’ll shout the vict’ry, break thro’ the blue, some golden daybreak, for me for you.

Sad hearts will gladden, all shall be bright, goodbye forever to earth’s dark night; changed in a moment, like Him to be, oh, glorious daybreak, Jesus I’ll see.

Oh, what a meeting, there in the skies, no tears nor crying shall dim our eyes; loved ones united eternally, oh, what a daybreak that morn will be.”

Oh, my friends, are you troubled today, trials and burdens heavy on your heart.  Maybe you too, are bedridden or handicapped and life seems to be a struggle.  Oh, Jesus has promised that He will return in mighty power.  The skies will part and He will descend.  I look at the clouds and wonder if this will be the day when I will at last see His face.  Heaven seems to be just around the corner, around the next bend, over the next hill.

And yes, all our battles will be won, and what a reunion we will have there in the sky with loved ones and friends who have gone on before us.  I like to think of the other song I love so well, and the verse that says:  “When we all see Jesus, we will sing and shout the victory.”  And can you imagine with me, the shout of victory from millions and millions of us that will literally shake the heavens, when we finally see His face?

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also with sleep (die) in Jesus will God bring with Him.  For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (precede) them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: when we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words” I Thessalonians 4:14-18.

So be comforted with these words today, no matter what your situation may be.  He calls us to be watching and waiting.  Just remember “Some Golden Daybreak” your Jesus will come.  He has promised in His Word, and He brings that Word to our hearts to have hope and anticipation of that great day that is soon to come.  Oh, Praise the Lord!

In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Sharon



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