Tuesday, April 9, 2013



As we walk this pilgrim pathway, trials seem to surround us.  And today, as I look outside my window, the sky is blue, the air is chilly, the winds are calm.  But sometimes  there will be grey skies, cold air, and the wind is blowing.  Oh, how we long for spring to come.  But sometimes those balmy spring days in our lives, as we walk this pathway with Jesus can turn into a gale and clouds will fill our skies. 

But we have a Wonderful Lord Jesus, who never leaves us or forsakes us whether the weather on our journey is calm with warm and lovely skies, or cloudy and stormy with pain and despair on our horizon.  As I look around at people’s faces, I sense the hurt and despair of many.  Many think there are no solutions to the problems we face, and I long to tell them of our Wonderful Savior constantly abides in my heart.  Even who doubts come and it is hard to pray, He is there with His wonderful peace and assurance, for He constantly abides whether our skies are rainy or sunny, whether we are on the mountain top or down in a valley.  He is there, Praise the Lord!


“There’s a peace in my heart that the world never gave, a peace it can not take away; ho’ the trials of life may surround like a cloud, I’ve a peace that has come there to stay!

“Refrain:  Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine; constantly abiding, rapture divine.  He never leaves me lonely, whispers, o so kind: “I will never leave thee,” Jesus is mine.

All the world seemed to sing of a Saviour and King, when peace sweetly came to my heart; troubles all fled away and my night turned to day, blessed Jesus, how glorious Thou art!

This treasure I have in a temple of clay, while here on His footstool I roam, but He’s coming to take me some glorious day, over there to my heavenly home!  (Anne S. Murphy).

My friends, this world cannot give you peace.  You may have many possessions, seemingly reached your goal in life, have a loving family around you and feel like everything is okay with the world.  But, if you examine your heart you will find an emptiness there as you continue to search and search for things to fill that vacancy in your heart.  But let me tell you, though trials may come in and fog up our pathway so we cannot see our way ahead, Jesus comes and when He walks into your life, you will have peace that this world can never take away.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” John 16:33.

At this time, Jesus was sharing His last words with His disciples before He went to The Garden of Gethsemane and the mob came to arrest Him.  Their hearts were troubled at His words, and He confirmed that they would indeed have tribulation and trials in this world, as the disciples learned in the days and years ahead as they spread the Gospel.  But He tells them, like He tells us to “cheer up” as we would say, He has overcome the world. 

And yes, as He went to Calvary, shed His precious blood for our sins, and then on the third day, arose triumphant from the grave, He did overcome the world and because of His sacrifice we can have that peace that overcomes the world.  And how do we describe that peace?  It is a constant knowing that no matter what lies ahead, He is in control and I give my worries and fears to Him.  I give Him all my anxious thoughts about tomorrow and walk ahead knowing He is leading me on in His footsteps.

And I remember the day I accepted Jesus into my heart.  I was just a child of 10 years old, but I remember so vividly the peace that came into my heart.  The next day even the world around me was brighter, something had changed in my heart, and I felt His presence so real.  That what He does when He comes into our hearts, as all troubles may not all suddenly flee away, but we now have Jesus to walk with us and guide us in the midst of them.

But we have that blessed promise now, even living in these “temples of clay,” that someday our Lord will come back and receive us unto Himself.  What a glorious day that will be!  So we watch and wait, and keep on working for Jesus, and someday we will see Him face to face at last.  Some of us will go home to be with Jesus before He comes to rapture His church.  And there we will be in our heavenly home forever, there with Jesus, and our loved ones who have gone on before us.

So be not dismayed at the trials you may face, for He constantly abides with us, He promises us in His Word that He will never leave us or forsake us in Hebrews 13:5.

So you may be having a cloudy day right now, but just look ahead, there He is walking ahead of you, and when He comes the clouds disperse and He brings that wonderful peace that only He can bring.  So walk on and keep your eyes on Jesus.  And if you have not accepted that wonderful peace He brings, ask Him into your heart right now and He will come to constantly abide with you forever.  Praise His Holy Name!

Blessings, Pastor Sharon

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