The world outside my window is arrayed in glorious fall
colors. The weather is now chilly and
frost in the air. And people are
celebrating Halloween. To me, Halloween
is a dark day, colors of black and orange and there is talk of spooky and
haunting things. The world seems to be
so “dark” on this day. When I was a
child Halloween was so different. It was
a fun day and we were not aware of the “darkness” of Halloween.
But I want to turn my attention to my Wonderful Lord
Jesus today. I desire to praise Him, who
made heaven and earth. I want to bow
down to my Savior, the One who died on Calvary for me, the Lord Jesus
Christ. It is Him I want to honor
today. He is the One who brings light to
our darkness. He is the One who brings
peace and joy to our lives. He is the
one who constantly abides with me, and who will never leave me. He is the One who is to be exalted on this
day and every day! So if you are out and
about with your children tonight, just remember Jesus and that He is King of
kings and Lord of lords, and His kingdom is forever, O Praise the Lord!
“There’s a peace
in my heart that the world never gave, a peace it can not take away; tho’ the
trials of life may surround like a cloud, I’ve a peace that has come there to
Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine;
constantly abiding, rapture divine; He never leaves me lonely, whispers O so
kind: “I will never leave thee,” Jesus is mine.
All the world
seemed to sing of a Savior and King, when peace sweetly came to my heart;
troubles all fled away and my night turned to day, blessed Jesus, how glorious
Thou art!
This treasure I have
in a temple of clay, while here on His footstool I roam; but He’s coming to
take me some glorious day, over there to my heavenly home! (Anne
S. Murphy).
In the midst of our days, sometimes we have trials that
do surround like a cloud. Even today I
heard of several people who have great trials, and it seems that their lives
are so complicated. But it is Jesus who
brings peace to even the darkest of trials.
My heart just breaks when I hear of the burdens that other people are
carrying. My trials seem so small
sometimes. Only Jesus is the answer to
this world’s struggles.
“These things I
have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but
be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” John 16:33.
As Jesus spoke to His disciples on this night, the night
that he would be arrested, tried and crucified, He proclaims peace. He tells His disciples to be cheerful, as He
overcomes the world. And He could only
do that by going to the cross, the place of suffering and death. But He would be victorious and rise from that
tomb on the third day! And when Jesus,
who is the Prince of Peace, brings us peace, it is there to stay, no matter
what trial may come into our lives. Oh,
I know that is hard sometimes, we take our eyes off of Jesus, but when we turn
back to Him, He reminds us of His peace and we can walk in that peace.
I remember so well the night I asked Jesus into my heart
as a child. My night did turn to day,
and everything looked different and brighter.
I was raised in a Christian home and my whole world was church, but I
still was a sinner needing Jesus. And my trials were easier to bear all because
of Jesus in my life. I learned to pray
and read my Bible. I witnessed to my
friends at school. And in those days, I
could carry my little New Testament to school.
And someday Jesus is coming back to take me home. And I believe He is coming very soon. And He
is waiting for men and women, boys and girls to come to Him. His nail pierced hands are reaching out for
men and women, boys and girls to come to Him and receive salvation and eternal
life. And then comes that wonderful
peace that only He can bring. We don’t
know what tomorrow may hold, “now is the day of salvation, (II Corinthians
6:2). There are only two choices, heaven
or hell. Which will you choose?
“For the Lord
Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the
archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the
Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with
these words” I Thessalonians 4:16-18.
So I bring comfort to you who love Jesus, the promise of
His coming. And I look forward to that
day when He comes to take us home, what a day of rejoicing that will be. And if you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, I
pray that you will make that decision, and be there with the believers as they
meet their Lord in the air. I pray that
if you should meet the Lord in death, you will be ready to be welcomed home by
our Blessed Lord. And Praise the Lord
that He constantly abides and that His love is everlasting.
In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Sharon
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