Monday, April 28, 2014




Easter season is now past for another year.  I see the discount bunnies and eggs in the store aisles.  We have put away the Easter baskets and decorations.  But I think many people also put away the cross of Christ in their hearts.  Oh, they heard a good sermon last Sunday and the music was inspiring, but have they thought of the cross this week?  It is because of the cross that we have our salvation, our sins forgiven, and life forever with Jesus.


And Jesus, by the precious Holy Spirit continues today to reach out and touch our lives.  He is waiting for us to just reach out by faith and touch Him.  I know of so many who need a touch of the Master.  My heart breaks for those who are facing tough situations and there is seems to be no answer to their problems and their suffering.  Oh, my friends, even though the way is rough, the winds are tossing your ship, Jesus is passing by, and He is never too busy to hear your cries.  He controls this great universe, but He still loves and reaches out to each and every one of us.


I remember this chorus when I was a child at summer camp, but I didn’t know it had all these wonderful verses.  Some of you may remember this hymn also and have fond memories as I have of those experiences around a campfire or in your home church as we worshiped our Lord.




If your heart is sad and lonely, there’s no joy anywhere.

If there’s no one left to comfort, and there’s no one left to care.

Just cast your cares on Jesus and upon His arms rely,

And reach out and touch the Lord as He walks by.



Reach out and touch the Lord as He goes by.

You will find He’s not too busy to hear your heart’s cry.

He’s passing by this moment, your needs He’ll supply.

Just reach out and touch the Lord as He walks by.


Though a stranger to the Master and His wonderful grace,

If you’ve never had the pleasure of beholding His face.

Would you lay aside earth’s treasures for a home in the sky,

Then, reach out and touch the Lord as He walks by.


All along a dusty roadside, on His way to raise the dead,

Mighty was the crowd that followed, hungry for that Living Bread.

“I must touch Him”, cried a woman, “I must touch Him or I’ll die.”

So, she reached and touched His garment as He passed by.


Words and Music by Bill Harmon


There are many sad and lonely people out there who have lost their joy.  Maybe elderly, friends and family are all gone.  Or perhaps you have lost a dear loved one, and you feel like there is no one else left in this world to comfort you.  Jesus is passing by, just reach out and touch Him, His arms are extended waiting to enfold you in His arms.


And if you don’t know Jesus as your own personal Savior, and you have never know the wonderful love that only He can bring.  By faith, behold His face as He passes by.  Just reach out and claim Him as your Lord and Savior right now.  He is there to forgive your sins, and bring new peace and joy.  All the treasures in this earth do not compare to eternity and life everlasting with Jesus.


“Now a woman, having  a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, came from behind and touched the border of His garment.  And immediately her flow of blood stopped” Luke 8:43-44.


Here is the scene:  Jesus is in the middle of a massive throng of people, and He is headed toward the home of Jairus, who is the Synagogue Ruler, who only daughter, twelve years old, has died.  And in that crowd is a lady, who has suffered much with this condition for twelve years, and has lost hope, but Jesus is passing by!  In the culture of that time, she would have been an outcast of society.  But there in the crowd is her only hope, Jesus!  And she thinks if she could only reach out and touch the tassels on His garment she would be healed.  Maybe she had stood at a distance and saw Him heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind and the wonderful miracles that He did.  And in faith, she touched Him and was instantly healed!  And we notice in verse 43 that she is called “a woman.”  But in verse 48, Jesus calls her “daughter.”  She goes from hopelessness to salvation and healing.


So where are you this evening on your journey?  Are you sad and lonely?  Are you wondering where the next paycheck is coming from?  Have you lost a precious loved one?  Are you facing medical tests that have you in much fear of the outcome?  Jesus is passing by, reaching out to you right there wherever you are.  And He is not too busy.  He sees your tears, feels your frustration and your hopelessness.


Precious Lord, there are so many out there right now who feel they are in hopeless situations, maybe financially, physically, or spiritually or some other needs.  Let them catch a glimpse of You as You pass by.  You are waiting to gather them into Your arms, to bring healing and hope and salvation and eternal life with You.  Thank You, Jesus, for the many who will reach out just now and be healed in Jesus’ Name.


Pastor Sharon




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