Saturday, March 7, 2015



What a beautiful day here in our part of the country, and what a beautiful day to serve the Lord.  He makes everything beautiful in my life.  Whether rain or snow, Jesus comes and brings peace and joy in spite of circumstances in our lives.  Yes, sometimes the path is narrow, rocks in the road, storms, but at the end there will be continuous rainbows of love.

I heard a testimony just yesterday of a man who was raised in an anti-God home, and his parents are still very anti-God.  But this man was turning the station on his radio and heard a pastor repeating the sinner’s prayer for any listener who would like to receive Jesus into their hearts, and he was convicted of his sin and said the prayer with the pastor.  And his life changed dramatically. Now this man had never been to church, heard a gospel song, or read the Bible.  But at that moment, Jesus came into his heart and life.  Now he faces persecution from his parents, but his life has turned around completely and serves his Lord with joy, and from what I understand, his brother has also come to the Lord.  Oh, what a testimony of the Lord’s saving power!

I remember so well the night I received Jesus as my Savior at 8 years of age, and the next day everything looked and felt different and I could not get enough of the little Bible that was given to me.  I have led many to the Lord and have seen the joy of the Lord light up their faces.  It is like seeing a light being turned on.  I can’t explain it only to say, it is the Spirit of the Lord entering their lives, and now there is hope and a wonderful  joy of knowing that they have an eternity with Jesus.

Let me tell you the following story of a very old hymn.  We used to sing this when I was a child and I still enjoy this song.  The writer of this story faced great tragedy in his life and could still write and sing of the hope he had since Jesus came into his heart.

“It’s hard to think that this joyful gospel song was written after a father had buried his youngest son.  Rufus McDaniel’s son Herschel was greatly loved by his parents, so when his life was taken away at an early age, it was heart-wrenching for both mother and father.

But Rufus McDaniel felt the best way to honor his son was to write a gospel song full of joy and hope.  Such a song would not only lift him and his wife out of their melancholy but also be a suitable remembrance for their son Herschel.

So Rufus McDaniel, a pastor in southern Ohio, wrote this gospel song that speaks of a hope that is steadfast and sure, as well as a light in the valley of death.  The joy was there for Rufus because Jesus had come into his heart.” (Hymns by Petersen).


What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought since Jesus came into my heart!  I have 
light in my soul for which long I had sought since Jesus came into my heart!

Since Jesus came into my heart, since Jesus came into my heart, floods of joy o’er my soul like  
sea billows roll, since Jesus came into my heart!

I have ceased from my wand’ring and going astray, since Jesus came into my heart! And my 
sins which were many are all washed away, since Jesus came into my heart!

I’m possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure, since Jesus came into my heart! And no dark 
 clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure, since Jesus came into my heart!

I shall go there to dwell in that City, I know, since Jesus came into my heart! and I'm 
happy, so happy as onward I go, since Jesus came into my heart.  (Rufus McDaniel (1850-1940).

Let me tell you of another experience of seeing the light of joy come into a life in an instant.  I was
visiting in the nursing home and walked into a room where a very elderly lady was sitting in her
wheelchair and I stopped to talk to her.  She noticed a cross I was wearing and asked me about it and
it opened a door to share Jesus with her.  She had been in a church all her life and had never heard the
gospel story and that Jesus loved her and died on the cross for her. 

I asked her if she would like to say a prayer with me and ask Jesus to come into her heart, and she 
said she would.  After the prayer, I saw the light come into her eyes and she started screaming, “All
my life I have been in this church and no one ever told me and now you come and told me about 
Jesus." She was so excited that I thought she would come out of her chair!  She had her hands raised 
and we had a wonderful time praising the Lord!  I never saw her again, as she left the facility the next
day,but I will meet her in heaven someday and what a time of rejoicing we will have.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, 
all things become new” II Corinthians 5:17.

Oh, my friends, when Jesus comes into our hearts, everything becomes new, the old desires pass 
away. Jesus washes away all our sins and we have hope, blessed hope.  As we walk this pathway 
no doubt and unbelief can obscure our pathway. Our hope is now eternal life with Jesus and we 
know that someday we will dwell in that city with Jesus.  And for some of us it is just over the hill, 
beyond the next sunset.  Some of us have to walk the pathway with Jesus just a little longer, but he 
has promised to never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5).

Has Jesus come into your heart?  He is waiting, waiting for you to ask Him in.  And you will
experience joy and peace and hope for everlasting life with Him.  And you too can sing the song, 
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart.”

Blessings, in Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Sharon

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