As I sit here thinking over the past few days, I am
reminded of those moments when things just didn’t go quite right, and
situations come into my lives suddenly which brought worry and concern. The world around us can become very dark at
times and troubles surround us, but He calls His people to praise Him in the
midst of it all. And He calls me and
each one of His children to just praise Him!
And to praise Him when, at the end of the day, we can look back and see
that He took care of each one of those issues in our lives.
I talk to people and see situations come into their lives
which bring depression and much pain. I
talked to a dear sister in the Lord just today who is very distraught over
situations in her life at this moment and in much physical pain, and my heart
goes out to her. But in the midst of
such despair, He is calling us to praise Him, for God is in the midst of her
pain and despair and your pain and despair!
Oh, what a wonderful God we serve!
As I was talking this morning with a sister in the Lord
we praised Him for the strength He gives in each moment of our days, and we
wondered how people can walk through such things without Him, and some I have
heard of recently, don’t even want Him in their lives, even in the midst of
pain and terminal illness.
Oh, that people would just look up and “see” Jesus, and
know that He cares so much and is not willing that anyone perish without
Him! Time is so short and we all desire
that our family and friends come to know this wonderful Lord that we serve.
But I have seen the Lord answer even the smallest
concerns of my life in the last couple of days, and in the midst of all we go
through as we walk with Him, He calls us to just praise Him in the midst of it
all, and praise Him for who He is and what He has done.
Stop and think with me for a moment back over the last
week and remember what the Lord has done in your life, how He has answered
prayer, and take a moment to give Him praise.
He wants to fill us with joy and sing joyfully as we lift our hands in
praise to our “blessed Redeemer.”
“Praise Him!
Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love
proclaim! Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in glory; strength and honor
give to His holy name! Like a shepherd Jesus will guard His children, in His
arms He carries them all day long.
Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His
excellent greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!
Praise Him! Praise
Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! For our sins He suffered and bled and died;
He our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation, Hail Him! Hail Him! Jesus the
Crucified. Sound His praises! Jesus who
bore our sorrows; love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong:
Praise Him! Praise
Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Heav’nly portals loud with hosannas ring!
Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever; Crown Him! Crown Him! Prophet and
Priest and King! Christ is coming over the world victorious, pow’r and glory
unto the Lord belong:
Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His
excellent greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!
In this hymn written by Fanny Crosby, we are called to
tell of His excellent greatness. We are
called to praise Him, praise Him in joyful song. We are called to give Him glory, to honor His
holy name with great shouts of praise.
Can we do that in the midst of the trials that we go through on this
journey we are on?
In those days when all seems so dark and confusing, He
actually carries the lambs in His arms. You are one of His lambs.
“He will feed His
flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in
His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young” Isaiah 40:11.
He calls us to praise Him for our salvation, for He is
our blessed Redeemer! He gave His life
that we may have eternal life. His love
is unbounded, as I said in a previous blog, His love is like the mighty oceans,
rolling and rolling over us. Who can
understand the depth of His love. So our
call is to praise Him, praise Him!
Our Wonderful Lord reigns forever and ever, and someday
He will come back as King of kings and Lord of lords!
“Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD O my soul! While I live I will praise the LORD: I will sing
praises to my God while I have my being” Psalm 146:1-2.
For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is
beautiful” Psalm 147:1-2.
So whatever is the trial of this day, no matter what the
problems and obstacles you may face, God lives in the praises of His
people. I know it is hard to praise Him
while the storm blows around you, but even if you just whisper a praise to Him,
call out to Him in the midst of the wind, He is there and will gather you into
His precious arms.
So on this day, when the sky is grey with smoke in our
area, or there may be storm clouds in your area, lift your eyes and praise Him
for your Salvation. Praise Him for your
hope in eternity with Him. Praise Him
for the many blessings He has bestowed upon you. Praise Him that He promises to load you with
strength for the journey daily. Praise
Him for His grace and mercy to you. Praise Him for answered prayer. Praise Him for all His precious promises in
His Word. Praise Him for His soon
return. And I could go on and on with
reasons to praise our Wonderful Lord!
But I call you to praise Him because He is our Precious Lord and Savior,
who promises to never leave us alone, to always be with us. May you be blessed as He receives your
In Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Sharon