Thursday, September 10, 2015




As I was out in my favorite chair this morning after a restless night, the Lord reminded me of this scripture, the one I base my life on and especially now in the midst of this cancer battle, I have no one in heaven or on earth to depend on more than my Precious Lord. And I hope as I share this scripture with you will find yourself in the same kind of situations, and I will depart from my usual song up front and close it with a song instead.

Nevertheless I am continually with Thee:

Thou hast holden me by my right hand.

Thou shalt guide me with Thy

Counsel, and afterward receive me to


Whom have I in heaven but

Thee? And there is none upon earth

That I desire beside Thee.

My flesh and my heart faileth:

But God is the strength of my heart,

And my portion forever.

Psalm 73:23-26

This portion of scripture is marked in my Bible as my “Life Verse.” It has blessed me through many struggles over the years. I am always with Him, as He has said in Hebrews 13:8, “I will never leave you for forsake you.”  And He says He holds me by my right hand. As we walk together down this life road together, He never lets go of my right hand. Sometimes I just hold it out wanting to feel Him squeezing my fingers, as my husband often does in the physical realm. Can you relate to that? Just put out your right hand and by faith feel  Him holding your hand as you walk the path with Jesus.

He promises to guide me with His counsel, but I don’t always listen. It sometimes takes extra time in His Word and prayer to hear that sweet voice. But He promises to always guide us with His counsel. I accepted Jesus as a 10 year old and  remember how I sought Him in His Word with that little Bible that was given me and witnessed to my schoolmates on the playground, which children can’t do that now, so sad! And I have His promise after He has guided me, counseled me, given me His Word to preach, which I did a couple of weeks ago in spite of being sick from chemotherapy. And when this life is over and I have done what He has called me to do and depended on Him for His counsel, He will receive me to glory in Heaven, oh what a day to look forward to! Do you have that promise from Him?

I have many loved ones here, and even have some brothers and sisters in Africa that are praying for my healing. And I will never meet some of them this side of heaven. But I have my Lord in heaven and He and I can share our deepest thoughts. I can share with Him things on my heart that no one on earth would understand. Oh, I have a wonderful  husband and family, but He is the only one I desire so deeply to share my heart with, and He keeps secrets!

My heart and my flesh my fail. In fact death will come to all of us, unless He comes for His church in the clouds soon. And right now my flesh feels like it is failing, as I age and lose the capabilities I once had. My feet are getting slow, ears don’t hear so well and such and fighting another battle with cancer.

But God is the strength of my life and my portion forever, and until that time comes when He calls me home my heart will go on singing with great joy.


My heart can sing when I pause to remember,

A heartache here is but a stepping stone

Along a trail that’s winding always upwards,

This troubled world is not my final home.

But until then my heart will go on singing,

Until then with joy I’ll carry on,

Until the day my eyes behold the city,

Until the day God calls me home.

The things of earth will dim and lose their value

If we recall they’re borrowed for awhile;

And things of earth that cause the heart to tremble,

Remembered there will only bring a smile.

This weary world with all its toil and struggle

May take its toll of misery and strife;

The soul of man is like a waiting falcon,

When its released it’s destined for the skies.

Stuart Hamblin (1908-1989)

In Jesus’ Name,

Pastor Sharon

Friday, September 4, 2015



I want to share with you today what is on my heart and a subject that I love to share, and is the Wonderful name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and the power in using His lovely name in prayer. Many in our world have denied that lovely name, but He is still the King of kings and Lord of lords and no matter what happens in this world He is still in control. When our own world seems to be falling apart we can still proclaim the name of Jesus, even in a whisper……….Jesus

Many people strive to reach the top of success in their careers, wanting to make a big name for themselves.  But there is only one Name that outshines any name that man can make for himself on this earth. And at that name someday every knee will bow to the most glorious name in all the universe:

Wherefore God also hath highly

Exalted Him, and given Him a name

Which is above every name:

That at the name of Jesus every

Knee should bow, of things in heaven,

And things in earth, and things under

The earth; and that every tongue

Should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

To the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

And in that Name, the precious Name of Jesus is everything my heart desires.  He is the Lover of my soul, He is my Savior, my Redeemer, and I look forward to the day when I will at last see His face and dwell with Him in heaven forever.  Have you, my friend, experienced the absolute love of Jesus?  When we mention the Name of Jesus, do you comprehend how awesome is that Name? 

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

In a believer’s ear?

It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,

And drives away his fear.

It makes the wounded spirit whole,

And calms the troubled breast;

‘Tis Manna to the hungry soul,

And to the weary, rest.

Dear name! The rock on which I build,

My Shield and Hiding-place;

My never-failing Treas’ry filled

With boundless stores of grace.

By thee my prayers acceptance gain

Although with sin defiled,

Satan accuses me in vain,

And I am owned a child.

Jesus, my Shepherd, Husband, Friend,

My Prophet, Priest, and King;

My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,

Accept the praise I bring.

Weak is the effort of my heart,

And cold my warmest thought;

\but when I see Thee as Thou art,

I’ll praise Thee as I ought.

Till Then I would Thy love proclaim

With every fleeting breath;

And my the music of Thy name

Refresh my soul in death.

John Newton

Are you walking through a time of fog in your life today?  Are you having trouble seeing Jesus through your tears of sorrow and pain?  Oh, what a lovely Name to part the clouds and bring hope and cheer!  The Son is shining behind those clouds! He is Almighty God!  Christ is the all-powerful Lord, and absolutely nothing is impossible with Him!

There is an incredible secret, when it is known and followed that will bring amazing answers to prayer. It was given by Jesus Himself: “Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name that will I do” John 14:13.

Here is the key! It is more than just ending your prayers with the worlds “in Jesus’ name”, rather it is to know and understand all that is included in His wonderful name.

Jesus Christ has given you the authority to use His name and all that implies whenever you pray. All that is included in His name should be used in prayer. With His name comes all the authority and power of heaven in it.

(Psalm 9:10) “And they that KNOW (and understand) Thy name will put their trust in Thee.”

(Psalm 91:91:14-15) “I will set him on high (place of authority) because he hath known (and understood my name. He shall call upon me and I will answer him.”

(Psalm 34:3: “O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt (or use in prayer) His name together.”

This is the secret key to answered prayer: learning to use the many name of Jesus in all their power, as they may apply to various needs in your life. There are over 200 names of Jesus found in the Bible and any or all of them may be used in your prayers. Many only use the name “Jesus,” but His other names can be used in your prayers as well and applied to any special need you may have.

When you fail, pray, “Our Father in the name of Jesus, my Advocate, My Great High Priest, I…….

When in sorrow, pray, “Our Father, in the name of Jesus, the God of all Comfort, the Balm of Gilead, I come…….

When you are sick, pray, “”Our Father, in the name of Jesus, the Great Physician, the Lord who healeth me, I come……..

When you feel defeated, pray, “Our Father, in the name of Jesus, my Strong Tower, my Hiding place, I come………..


(Mark 11:24) “What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.

(Matthew 21:22) “And all things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”

(Psalm 37:4) “Delight thyself also in the Lord: and He shall give thee the desires of thy heart.”

(John 15:7) “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it will be done unto you.”

(John 16:24) “Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you shall receive and your joy will be complete.”

Here are a few other names of Jesus you can use:

He is the Altogether Lovely One, He is the Beginning and the End, He is our Counselor, Mighty God, He is our Deliverer, He is the Father of Mercies, He is the God of all Grace, He is the King of Glory and He is the Lord of all, He is He that Liveth, He is Hope for His people, He is my Helper, He is the Upholder of all things.

“For unto us a child is born, unto

Us a Son is given: and the government

Shall be upon His shoulder: and His

Name shall be called Wonderful,

Counselor, the mighty God, the

Everlasting Father, the Prince of peace.
Isaiah 9:6

And in the wonderful name of Jesus is our Salvation. Through His death on the cross, He has power through His death to redeem us from our sins by the cleansing blood that He shed. And because of His resurrection, death is conquered and we have eternal life with Him forever.

When I think of that Lovely Name, I also remember that He is the Messiah, He is our Redeemer, He is the Resurrection and the Life. He is the Bread of Life and He is the Bright and Morning Star, with the many other names that are found in the Precious name of Jesus! And someday soon He will return in clouds of glory. And can you imagine with me what that reunion will be like as saints from all the ages, from every race and tribe will behold His lovely face. I believe there will be a shout of joy from the millions gathered in the sky that will literally shake the heavens. I think of that lovely hymn When We all Get to Heaven,” and the chorus: “When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory.”

“After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice saying, “salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!”

And we all will gather around that throne shouting His praises forever and ever proclaiming, “What a lovely Name! I heard a song on a CD and must share it with you.  My heart is overwhelmed within me as I read the words of this song.  Some of you may know this song and can sing it as you read the words.  As we think of the Name of Jesus, may you come to know how lovely is that Name, the Name of Jesus!


There’s a name above all others, wonderful to hear, bringing hope and cheer.  It’s the lovely name of Jesus, evermore the same, what a lovely name.

CHORUS:  What a lovely name, the name of Jesus.  Reaching higher far, than the brightest star.  Sweeter than the songs they sing in heaven.  Let the world proclaim, what a lovely name.

Thru His name there’s wondrous power, power to redeem, making sinner clean.  By His pow’r He cleansed the leper, opened blinded eyes, caused the dead to rise.

He’ll return in clouds of glory, saints of ev’ry race, shall behold His face, with Him enter heaven’s city, ever to proclaim, what a lovely name.  (Charles B. Wycuff

In His Lovely Name,
Pastor Sharon