Thursday, February 19, 2015



As I again sit here and asking the Lord what I can bring to you today.  The news headlines have been very troublesome lately and the world seems to be getting darker with terrorist threats and the horrible murders of our fellow believers in Jesus.  My heart has been heavy and sought the Lord as to what He would have me share with you today.  I read an article from a noted evangelist stating to be prepared as “A Storm is Coming.”

 Are you ready for those storms as this earth seems to be winding down, getting ready for the glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Many, many people, especially in Mideast countries and other places are coming to Jesus.  The enemy knows he has but a short time and as my pastor stated to me: “The enemy has his back up against the wall.”  He is angry and on the rampage it seems.  So where do we run in these times?  We run to those quiet places with Jesus, where the Holy Spirit brings His comfort and peace, for the Comforter has come.

On the stormy Sea of Galilee, Jesus commanded the winds and waves, “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39, KJV), and immediately there was calm.  Later in the upper room, as Jesus told His disciples that He would leave them, He promised them the Holy Spirit and peace.

Manie Payne, born in Carlow, Ireland, was a Christian, but she did not know peace.  She struggled with her sinful nature until she began to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. This is the “blessed quietness” that she wrote about.  Now, she was so happy she could hardly contain herself.  Indeed, joy was flowing like a river in her life.  Later she married T.P. Ferguson and founded Peniel Missions, with branches in Egypt, China, and the United States.  (“Hymns” by Petersen).


Joys are flowing like a river since the Comforter has come.  He abides with us forever, makes the trusting heart His home.

Blessed quietness, holy quietness, what assurance in my soul! On the stormy sea He speaks peace to me, how the billows cease to roll.

Bringing life and health and gladness all around this heav’nly Guest, banished unbelief and sadness, changed our weariness to rest.

Like the rain that falls from heaven, like the sunlight from the sky, so Holy Ghost is given, coming on us from on high.

See a fruitful field is growing, blessed fruit of righteousness; and the streams of life are flowing in the lonely wilderness.

What a wonderful salvation, where we always see His face! What a perfect habitation, what a quiet resting place.  Manie Payne Ferguson (1850-1932).

Yes, the Comforter has come speaking peace to His people.  As we walk this path with Jesus, these storms will come upon us and as I stated earlier, the storms coming in this world can bring terror to our hearts, but He comes and abides with us forever.  And when we simply put our trust in Him, He makes our heart His home.  The Comforter has come, and He is the one who brings that blessed quietness.

This world is a noisy place.  I find it so being hearing impaired and my hearing is distorted sometimes, and I can’t understand what people say, all I hear is a roar of noise, so I have found I need some “blessed quietness.”  I need a place where the distractions of the world are stilled and I can listen for the sweet Holy Spirit to come.

And as we hear the news reports or read the papers, we need to run to that blessed place of quietness with our Lord.  There He banishes unbelief and sadness, bringing joy to our hearts.  And sometimes He comes down like rain, or the warm sunshine.  As I minister in the nursing home I have seen the joy that comes into a face when He comes to bring them comfort.  I have seen the light come on in weary faces when I touch them in the Name of Jesus.  Oh, such joy!

Oh, but we have assurance in these days of terror and strife and struggles in our own lives.  Because of Jesus and His love for us and His sacrifice on the cross we have assurance of His wonderful salvation, the assurance of His presence within our hearts by the indwelling Holy Spirit. And we have assurance that someday He is coming again in clouds of glory.  Oh, what a wonderful day!  We have assurance in the fact that when we die and go home to be with Him that “to absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” (II Corinthians 5:8).  There is so much to say here, I couldn’t begin to share the wonderful assurances we have, by faith, in our Lord Jesus.

So when those billows roll around us, we look to Jesus to calm the storm and bring peace to the waves of conflict around us.  We see fear and dread coming upon this world, we look to Jesus and to a place of Holy Quietness deep within our souls.  Do you have that peace, my friends?  Come to Him and simply ask Him to come into your heart and life, repenting of your sins.  And then thank Him for the cross and for giving us new life in Him, in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Sharon

Tuesday, February 3, 2015



I awoke this morning praising Jesus and thinking how absolutely sweet our Lord is and how grateful I am to be born again, walking with Jesus day by day and looking forward to eternity with Him.  Oh, what a thought!  There will be no more pain, sickness or sorrow or tears.  An eternity of everlasting joy!

We live in a world that seems to be getting darker spiritually every day.  Violence fills our land and the nations.  We hear of wars and rumors of wars.  We hear of our Christian brothers and sisters in other lands suffering horrible persecution because of their faith in Jesus, and many are dying for that faith. Could we be that strong in intense persecution for our faith?

So my heart is heavy for the lost and dying people of this nation, my city, and this world.  We need Jesus, He is our only hope.  He is your only hope, my friend.  This world cannot bring you peace.  Possessions will not bring you peace.  There are only two roads to eternity, one the straight road to eternal hell and the narrow road which leads to eternal salvation in Jesus Christ.

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” Matthew 7:13-14.

 Which road are you walking on, my friend?  Do you feel an emptiness inside which nothing seems to fill?  Jesus went to the cross for you and shed His precious blood for the forgiveness of your sins.  Are you almost persuaded?  Have you walked with Jesus in the past and wandered away from the things of God?  Please read the words of this great old hymn and let the Holy Spirit stir your heart.  First let me share the story of this hymn:

When the apostle Paul was on trial before King Agrippa, he gave a strong witness to his faith, and Agrippa responded, “Do you think you can persuade me to become a Christian so quickly?”  He was almost persuaded.

Philip Bless, the author of this hymn, heard a preacher end a sermon with the words, “He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, and to be almost saved is to be entirely lost.”  Bliss couldn’t forget those words, and he soon wrote the hymn “Almost Persuaded.”

It has been used an invitation hymn in bringing many to Jesus Christ.  One young man in London said, “God used that song in drawing me to Jesus.  I had been afraid . . . For six weeks that hymn was ringing in my ears, till I accepted the invitation.  I came, and am now rejoicing in the Lord, my Savior.” (HYMNS by Petersen).


“Almost persuaded,” now to believe; “Almost persuaded,” Christ to receive; seems now some soul to say, “Go Spirit, go Thy way, some more convenient day on Thee I’ll call.
“Almost persuaded,” come, come today; “Almost persuaded,” turn not away; Jesus invites you here; angels are ling’ring near, prayers arise from hearts so dear, O wand’rer come.

“Almost persuaded,” harvest is past! “Almost persuaded, “doom comes at last! “Almost” cannot avail; “Almost” is but to fail!  Sad, sad, that bitter wail, “Almost,” but lost.  (Philip Paul Bliss-1838-1876)

What a powerful message to those who are lost without Jesus.  Have you turned Him away, thinking I will think about this and when it is convenient I will come to Jesus.  You don’t know what tomorrow holds or even the rest of this day.  He is inviting you to come, angels are waiting, and people are praying for your eternal soul.

Someday time will end, Jesus will return, as the song says “harvest is past.”  The day of salvation will be over, no more opportunity to accept Christ, and those who reject Him will be lost forever.  What a sad day!

But there is hope.  I want you to walk with me down the “Romans Road” to Salvation . . .This comes from the book of Romans in the New Testament.

*  Because of our sin, we are separated from God.  For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).

The penalty for our sin is death.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).

The penalty for our sin was paid by Jesus Christ!   But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

If we repent of our sin, then confess and trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will be saved from our sins!  For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).

. . .lf you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:9-10).

Are you almost persuaded or are you persuaded now to make the most important decision of your life for eternity?  What a wonderful life it is to walk with Jesus!  He brings such peace and joy even in the midst of great trials.  I can’t explain it, but it is a life with Him at my side, walking with me on the path to eternal glory.  Won’t you come today down the “Roman Road” to salvation?  Just pray a simple prayer asking Him to come into your heart.  Pray with me:

“I confess to God right now that I am a sinner, and ask you to forgive my sins, and believe in my heart that Jesus Christ died for my sins on the cross and was raised from the dead to bring me eternal life with Him forever.  I now ask you, Jesus, to come into my heart and receive you as my personal Savior, and now believe that I am now born again into the kingdom of God.”

If you have prayed that prayer with me, I will pray that you find a Bible believing church and Christian friends to help you grow in the Lord.  And your heart will be filled with praise for your God, and you, too, will want to sing praises to His Wonderful name.

Pastor Sharon