Wednesday, January 21, 2015



As I sit here today I am remembering that exactly one year ago I fell and damaged my shoulder, and it has been a year of pain and surgery, and am now finally coming to the end of this time in my life, this storm cloud that I have walked through with Jesus.  I don’t know what this coming year will hold for me or for any of us, but we have our hope in Jesus, Praise the Lord!

So many of our fellow believers in Jesus, brothers and sisters in the Lord, have gone home to be with their Savior recently and in the last months, and I think of the families who have lost their loved ones and the wives.  But, oh, they have that blessed hope and know that someday, because of the resurrection of our precious Lord, their loved ones are home with the Lord and someday they will be reunited again and what a wonderful day that will be!

The following song, Whispering Hope, came to my memory recently.  I recall attending a Memorial Service for the husband of a dear friend.  He had been lost on the river and his body was never recovered.  This song was her testimony of hope.  Hope whispered comforting words to her and that the sunshine would shine again after the storm had passed.

There is very little information regarding the circumstances of the writing of “Whispering Hope” other than the fact that the song was written in 1868.  But one thing is certain, the song was written by prolific songwriter Septimus Winner who released much of work under the pseudonym, Alice Hawthorne.  The text of this song appears to be based on the scripture from Hebrews 6:19 which refers to the anchor that keeps the soul steadfast.  That anchor is also the “Whispering Hope” of the Christian.

“That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.  Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil: whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec” Hebrews 6:18-20.


Soft as the voice of an angel, breathing a lesson unheard, hope with a gently persuasion whispers her comforting word; wait till the darkness is over, wait till the tempest is done, hope for the sunshine tomorrow, after the shower is gone.

Refrain:  Whispering hope, oh, how welcome thy voice, making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.

If in the dusk of the twilight, dim be the region afar, will not the deepening darkness brighten the glimmering star?  Then when the night is upon us, why should the heart sink away?  When the dark midnight is over, watch for the breaking of day.

Hope, as an anchor so steadfast, rends the dark veil for the soul, whither the Master has entered, robbing the grave of its goal; come then, oh, come, glad fruition, come to my sad weary heart; come, O Thou blest hope of glory, never, or, never depart.  (Septimus Winner, 1868)

I am so thankful for Jesus and that I belong to Him.  I can’t imagine what life would be like without Him.  It would be an empty life, a life with an eternity without Him and a life without any hope, no glimmer of light in our darkness.  Are you walking that path?  Remember there are many choices here on earth, but only two choices in eternity, eternal life, or eternal darkness, lost forever.  What will you choose?

 And in our difficult days, when the clouds cover our sky, we know that behind those clouds the sun will shine again.  And hope is indeed an anchor of the soul.  Hope keeps our focus on Jesus and on what is in store for each of us who love Jesus.  We know our hope is in an eternity forever with Him.  And our hope is in Him watching us and caring for all our needs as we tread down this road toward heaven.  When the dark midnight of our trials are over, we look ahead to the breaking of that eternal day, where there will be no more tears, sorrow, pain, or separation from those we love.

Since Jesus has conquered death, and we look forward to His soon return, our hopeful hearts look upward.  We see the signs around us.  It seems our world is falling apart and darkness abounds.  But someday the clouds will part and our Lord will light up the sky.  And we can cry with the song writer, “come to my sad weary heart; come, O Thou blest hope of glory.”

“Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” I Corinthians 15:51-52.

So, my friends, let His Word whisper hope in your heart.  We have a glad day coming, when the struggles we go through will all be just a dim memory.  And we shall look on His face, and bow in grateful praise for how far He has brought us, and that we have finally reached the end of the road.  And we may look back and see how far we have traveled, and that every step brought us closer and closer to home, all because of our hope in Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross and His glorious resurrection. 

Let Him whisper hope in your heart just now.  And you can then look ahead and see the sunrise just over the hilltop, and heaven awaiting you.  It could be today or tomorrow.  We don’t know just when He will come back or when each one of us will go home to be with Him.  As I get older, I realize that heaven is just getting closer.  So let that hope reign in your heart, in the name of Jesus.

In His Name,
Pastor Sharon

Thursday, January 8, 2015



It’s a cold foggy day in our area, and we hope the sun comes out soon to shine upon our world here.  My heart is heavy today due to a situation I faced, and had to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and my faith and love for my Lord Jesus to get me through this phone call which I received.

There are those in our world today and in our city here who don’t want the name of Jesus mentioned or hear a call of salvation.  This was in regards to funeral services for a precious lady who I have been seeing in a nursing home.  She is finally home, free of her tired body, and singing again with her lovely voice, giving praise to her Lord.

I was asked, as Pastor, to open in prayer, give a welcome and blessing to those gathered there.  But I was given a couple of stipulations, not to pray or mention the name of Jesus or give a call to salvation, as I might offend someone.  So I had to decline.  In past funerals, I give a message of hope to those attending, hope in eternal life with Jesus, to make sure their hearts are right with the Lord.  And give them the promise that if they know Jesus, they will see their loved one again.  It is a promise of the resurrection and new life with Jesus forever.  How can one pray or bless a gathering unless it is done in the name of Jesus? 

Do you love Jesus today?  I hope your life and all that you do is centered on Him alone.  This is a precious chorus centered on the name of Jesus.  No matter where we go or what we should do, His name is to be exalted.  His name should be first on our lips before our day begins and when it ends.  And, Oh, what blessing comes just whispering the name of Jesus. 


Truth and beauty and happiness
It’s all in the name of Jesus.
Health and heaven, peace and rest
It’s all in the name of Jesus.
Joy and gladness, forgiveness too,
Life everlasting and free,
All that I’ve longed for and
All that I need,
It’s all in the name of Jesus.


Jesus, Jesus, He’s here
And He’ll show us the way.
Jesus, Jesus He’s all
That we need today.

Care and comfort, healing and grace,
It’s all in the name of Jesus.
Warmth and sunshine, friendship too,
Fulfillment and blessing untold,
Hope for tomorrow and help for today,
It’s all in the name of Jesus.

Words and Music: Stephen Adams

What do you need today?  Everything is in His name.  It was mentioned to me that there are many roads to Christ, which many believe today.  Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me” John 14:6.  There is only one way to heaven and that has to come through Jesus Christ.  And He made that way possible by going to the cross, shedding His blood for our sins.  And we come into the Truth, He is the Truth, by repentance of our sins, and then we begin to see the beauty and happiness that He brings, with hope of eternity with Him.  It’s all in the name of Jesus.

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” John 14:17.

The world and its pleasures cannot give you peace and rest.  All our “treasures” will someday melt away.  We take nothing with us when we die.  Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Jesus is all that I long for and all that I need, and it’s all in the name of Jesus.  His loving care and His comfort in the time of grief, it’s all in the name of Jesus.  Even the warmth of the sunshine, our wonderful Christian brothers and sisters in the Lord, and our hope for the days ahead and the needs that we have this day, it’s all in the name of Jesus.

“Wherefore God hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” Philippians 2:9-11.

There is a day coming, my friends, when every knee is going to bow to at the name of Jesus.  Those who have rejected Him down through history and today and those who have denied His name, will bow at the name of Jesus and proclaim Him Lord.  Are you ready for that day, my friend?  Oh, He has so much love for you and is not willing that any should perish without Him.  Be ready, my friends, because that day will soon be upon us and please don’t be one who is lost for eternity because you didn’t acknowledge that it’s all in the name of Jesus.

In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Sharon

Sunday, January 4, 2015



The holiday season is over.  We have put all the holiday decorations in the attic for another year, and I am ready to begin this New Year.  I don’t make a list of New Year’s resolutions, as I believe they just are promises to myself that I never can keep.  

I am asking myself today what is on my heart for this next year.  There is a path ahead, I know, but it winds ahead, its curves and byways are unknown to me.  It is like having a clean slate for another year.  I pray for a safe year, a year without sickness or accidents, as I have seen for the last two years.  I long to reach more souls for Christ, especially among the elderly who have never accepted Jesus as their Savior, and I have many stories of those who have come to Jesus in their last days.  Some had been in church all their lives, even seminary and had never accepted Jesus.  One lady I remember had been in church all her life and no one had ever told her that Jesus Saves.

“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.  Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?  I will even make a new way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert” Isaiah 43:18-19.

So He is calling me and you to put the trials and struggles of this last year behind us, although we may still feel the results of those things.  This year He promises to do a new thing in each of our lives.  He will make a new way when those wilderness places come in our lives, and promises living water, which comes from the Holy Spirit to overflow our lives and to reach others for Christ.  Oh, to reach more people for Jesus this year!  Oh, how I long to see “that light” come into a new Christian’s face, as Jesus comes in and begins their new life with Him.

But in all of this, there is one thing that I know.  Jesus will never fail me or fail you, as we face that unknown pathway ahead.   We used to sing this song as a chorus, but here is the history of this song and the full hymn, “Jesus Never Fails.”

“When he was a boy in elementary school, Arthur Luther wanted to be a foreign missionary.  As he got older and realized that he had musical talent, he wanted to write a song that the whole world would sing.  He wrote a song that he thought would be popular.  In fact, he thought it was pretty good, but apparently no one else did.  In his words, “It was a dismal failure.”

However, God made both of his dreams come true when Luther wrote the song “Jesus Never Fails.”  At the time he was working with an evangelistic team in Kentucky.  The he says, “I received some very disturbing news from my family some six hundred miles away.  Worried and homesick, I sat down at the old square piano in the home where we were staying and as my fingers wandered idly, a simple melody developed beneath them which seemed to sing, ‘Jesus Never Fails.’ Then and there the words and music of the chorus were born.”

This simple little song has been translated into more than a dozen languages, taking it to places that Arthur Luther could never have gone as a missionary.  No, Jesus never fails.  (“Hymns” by W. Petersen).

Earthly friends may prove untrue, doubts and fears assail; One still loves and cares for you: Jesus Never Fails.

Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails; Heav’n and earth may pass away but Jesus never fails.

Tho’ the sky be dark and drear, fierce and strong the gale, just remember He is near, and He will not fail.

In life’s dark and bitter hour love will still prevail; trust His everlasting pow’r, Jesus will not fail.” (Arthur A. Luther (1891-1960)

As we face the year ahead, there will be times of doubts and fears, and even friends or family may fail us, but we have a Precious Savior, Jesus, who will never fail us.  Oh, to just fall into His arms when storms of grief come!

And we may have dark and dreary days, and the storms of life may be upon us, but just remember that Jesus never fails, He is near.  Oh, to just look through the gloom and see and feel His presence.

And I know that some of you may face that dark hour, when eternity is so near, and the end of the road has come and one can see the light of the city just ahead.  But by faith you are held in His everlasting arms, and He will guide you into your heavenly home,because Jesus never fails.

If you do not know this Wonderful Savior, accept Him now.  You don’t know what is on the path ahead in this next year and He calls each one of us to be ready to meet Him.  Just ask Him into your heart, and to forgive your sins, and then praise Him for your salvation and your eternity with Him.  And then you, too, will know that Jesus never fails.

In the Precious Name of Jesus,
Pastor Sharon