Tuesday, January 29, 2013



As we near the end of January and greet the Month of February, I realized in looking at my calendar that Easter was at the end of March this year.  And as soon as all the valentines disappear from the shelves, signs of Easter will appear with all the bunnies, eggs and colors of the season.  In working ahead on the newsletter that I send out, I am already doing the Easter issue, and again I am reminded of the cross of Christ afresh.

We are to remember all year, every day of, the cross and our salvation so freely given.  As we walk with Jesus, we look to the death, burial and resurrection of our Precious Lord.  And we thank Him for the gracious gift of Salvation so freely given.

I was reminded again of another old hymn as I was seeking the Lord on what He wanted me to share with you today.  As we walk this pathway of life, we are reminded in this great old song, that there is only one way to gain Heaven as our eternal home.  There are many voices out there today saying that there are many paths to God and Heaven.

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” Acts 4:12.

No, my friends there is no other way, only in the Name of Jesus will you find salvation.  Your works won’t save you, your possessions or any other way.  Only Jesus, who walked the way of the cross, brings salvation.

But let me share with you this song and what God’s Word says about Eternity with Jesus.  This song was written by Jessie Pound, and the music was composed by Charles H. Gabriel, who wrote several of our great hymns.  Jessie was born in 1861 in Hiram, Ohio.  Her father was Rev. Holland Brown.  In all, Jessie wrote 9 books, 50 cantatas, and over 400 hymns.

This hymn could have been inspired by a popular sermon illustration circulating during those days.  The geographical heart of London is Charing Cross, which is referred to locally as “the Cross.”  A London police officer came upon a lost child who was unable to tell him where he lived.  Finally, amid sobs and tears, the child simply said, “If you will take me to the Cross, I think I can find my way home from there.”


“I must needs go home by the way of the cross, there’s no other way but this; I shall ne’er get sight of the Gates of Light, if the way of the cross I miss.

Refrain:  The way of the cross leads home, the way of the cross leads home; it is sweet to know, as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home.

I must needs go on in the blood-sprinkled way, the path that the Savior trod, if I ever climb to the heights sublime, where the soul is at home with God.

Then I bid farewell to the way of the world, to talk in it nevermore; for my Lord says, “Come,” and I seek my home, where He waits at the open door.”

Oh, my friends, I must continue to walk the way of the cross, there is no other way, but that pathway that our Lord trod.  I pray that you too are walking on that narrow pathway to those Gates of Light.

“Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go by in it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it” Matthew 7:13-14.

In this life we have many choices to make, but when it comes to eternity, there are only two choices, heaven or hell, or the wide way which leads to destruction or the narrow way which leads to life eternal.  Which road are you traveling, my friends?  If you miss the way of the cross, you will miss the promise of life eternal with Jesus and our Heavenly home.

Yes, the road is narrow, and difficulties will arise.  There will be times of trial, storms will come across your pathway, but Jesus has walked that way before us.  And that pathway He trod was the “blood-sprinkled way.”  He walked up that lonely hill to Calvary, bearing His cross.  He had stripes on His back, and crown of thorns on His brow, but He walked that pathway and shed His precious blood for you, for me.  And the only way to salvation is through that cross of Christ.

And oh what joy to walk that path with Jesus, and to be at home with Him forever!   I was reminded recently of a dear brother who has trod that path, climbed to the “heights sublime, and is at home with his Lord.  And during his brief illness, which shortly led to His death, he thought he would be released from the hospital and go back to his little apartment.  But as his daughter later said, “He thought he was going home, and he went "home.”  Now isn’t that precious?  And this brother in the Lord did indeed walk the way of the cross for many, many years.

And the way of the cross calls us to bid farewell to the pleasures of this world, and repent of our sin, and follow Him on that narrow pathway.  Repentance simply means to turn around and go the other direction.  It would mean leaving the wide road that leads to destruction and take that pathway that leads to home.  And there, Jesus waits with open arms, waiting for you, my friends.  And when you walk that last mile, He will invite you to come in and be with Him forever.

Oh, I pray that you will walk the way of the cross, for the way of the cross will lead to your eternal home.  And if you have not made that choice today, and you are walking on the wrong pathway, make that decision now, and walk the narrow road with Jesus on the way to your eternal home.  Just ask Him to come into your heart and He will come with all His love for you, and fill you with His wonderful joy and peace that He only can give, all because of the cross.  Praise His Holy Name!

In His Blessed Name,
Pastor Sharon







Tuesday, January 22, 2013



What a joy it is to serve the Lord.  And as I look around the world and see the heartache and sorrow and as the world seems to grow spiritually darker and darker in the times that we live, I am so glad that we as believers have a “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13), as we look forward to that blessed day when our Lord returns.

Some of our beloved family and friends have made that transition to their heavenly home this past year, and I think of my loved one often, and wonder that the joy she is experiencing there with her Lord, and reunited with dear family and friends.  As I get older and into my senior years, heaven just seems closer, and I find my myself looking up at the clouds and wondering when that day will come, or if I will go to be with Him before that day.  We all hope to be the ones who meet Him in the air on that glorious day.

Oh, as I look around at my world, I think that it can’t be long before He comes.  But we don’t know the day nor the hour when He will appear.  I remember as a small child in my church we were taught also that He would come at any time and to be watching always.

As I have shared with you in the past, the Lord always gives me a song to share.  And it seems I always feel His music in my soul and sing out His praises in Hymns often.  But one morning a few years ago, we were with our daughter in an eastern state, and just before I awoke I had a dream.  And I don’t dream dreams often, but it was so real.  We have a precious handicapped lady in our church, who at one time was a very beautiful, tall lady.  I didn’t know her at that time in her life, but photos of her in the past show her as very lovely.  I have spent some time with her, encouraging her when she is discouraged.

In my dream I saw her straight and tall, clothed in white and very beautiful.  And I began to sing a song as I was waking up for the day.  My husband heard me singing and with tears I shared  with him my dream and this song.  I have encouraged my friend many times with this song, reminding her that “Some Golden Daybreak Jesus Will Come.”  Some golden daybreak there will be no more wheelchairs or bent over bodies wracked in pain and despair.

In 1934 Rev. C.A. Blackmore was preaching a series of radio messages about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. A woman who had been bedridden for twenty-three years wrote in to ask, “Will I really be well in heaven?  Will all pain and sorrow actually be gone?

Blackmore responded, “Yes, my friend, some glorious day, when Jesus comes, you will leap from that bed with all the vigor of youth and never know pain again. 
Blackmore’s son, Carl, was impressed with his father’s series and wrote the chorus, “Some Golden Daybreak.”  Then he said to his father, “Dad, you should write some verses for this chorus.”

A short time later, Blackmore awoke early one morning.  Unable to go back to sleep, he began to pray and meditate on the return of Christ.  Then came the words to the verses of “Some Golden Daybreak.”


“Some glorious morning sorrow will cease, some glorious morning all will be peace; heartaches all ended, school days all done, Heaven will open Jesus will come.

Refrain:  Some golden daybreak Jesus will come; some golden daybreak, battles all won.  He’ll shout the vict’ry, break thro’ the blue, some golden daybreak, for me for you.

Sad hearts will gladden, all shall be bright, goodbye forever to earth’s dark night; changed in a moment, like Him to be, oh, glorious daybreak, Jesus I’ll see.

Oh, what a meeting, there in the skies, no tears nor crying shall dim our eyes; loved ones united eternally, oh, what a daybreak that morn will be.”

Oh, my friends, are you troubled today, trials and burdens heavy on your heart.  Maybe you too, are bedridden or handicapped and life seems to be a struggle.  Oh, Jesus has promised that He will return in mighty power.  The skies will part and He will descend.  I look at the clouds and wonder if this will be the day when I will at last see His face.  Heaven seems to be just around the corner, around the next bend, over the next hill.

And yes, all our battles will be won, and what a reunion we will have there in the sky with loved ones and friends who have gone on before us.  I like to think of the other song I love so well, and the verse that says:  “When we all see Jesus, we will sing and shout the victory.”  And can you imagine with me, the shout of victory from millions and millions of us that will literally shake the heavens, when we finally see His face?

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also with sleep (die) in Jesus will God bring with Him.  For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (precede) them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: when we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words” I Thessalonians 4:14-18.

So be comforted with these words today, no matter what your situation may be.  He calls us to be watching and waiting.  Just remember “Some Golden Daybreak” your Jesus will come.  He has promised in His Word, and He brings that Word to our hearts to have hope and anticipation of that great day that is soon to come.  Oh, Praise the Lord!

In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Sharon



Tuesday, January 15, 2013




There are some days, like today, when the snowflakes continue to fall, and it is cold outside, and the house is quiet and I am quite alone.  I know many of you have days like that or moments like you feel everyone has deserted you, and you feel the world crashing in upon you.  You may feel like that in a crowd of people.  Your struggles are so great, you feel like you are in a great fog of darkness.  But our God has promised never to leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5b).

The words of this song, “No, Never Alone” were written in 1897 by a lady named Ludie D. Picket.  And I wonder what she what great struggle she was going through when she wrote the words of this song?  Was she feeling sorrow, pain or fear or a great time of affliction?  Whatever were her trials in her day, she left us a hymn of great comfort.  These great old hymns remind us that God’s people of all ages have gone through great trials, but God has seen them through to victory, and then inspired them to put words down which were on their hearts at the time of their struggle.  We, too, whatever the dark valley we travel in our day and time, we find great solace in the comfort of our Lord and His precious promises.


“I’ve seen the lightening flashing, I’ve heard the thunder roll.  I’ve felt sin’s breakers dashing, which almost conquered my soul.  I’ve heard the voice of my Savior, bidding me still to fight on.  He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone!

REFRAIN:  No, never alone, no never alone, He promised never to leave me, He’ll claim me for His own; no, never alone, no never alone.  He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone.

The world’s fierce winds are blowing, temptation sharp and keen.  I have a peace in knowing my Savior stands between – He stands to shield me from danger when my friends are all gone.  He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone.

When in affliction’s valley I tread the road of care, my Savior helps me carry the cross so heavy to bear; though all around me is darkness, earthly joys all flown; my Savior whispers His promise, never to leave me alone!

He died on Calvary’s mountain, for me they pierced His side.  For me He opened that fountain, the crimson, cleansing tide.  For me He waiteth in glory, seated upon His throne.  He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone!

Such a message for us this day!  As we walk along on our earthly journey, sometimes we face those moments when the storm is crashing around us, lightening flashing, filling us with fear.  Maybe temptations are calling you, trying to drag you back into sin.  But our Precious Lord, calls us to stand strong, and fight the good fight of faith.  For He is there to lift us up out of the storm, calm the winds, and promises never to leave us alone.

Yes, especially in the day in which we live, our world if filled with darkness and terror.  But we have that wonderful peace that only He can give.  Many of you are alone now in this world, the years have passed you by, and friends and family are gone.  But, there is the promise again, He promised never to leave you, never to leave you alone.

And in the midst of the crosses we must bear, when the load is so heavy, and the way seems so dark, and it does seem that there is no joy left in this world of sorrow and woe.  And again He whispers His promise, never to leave you alone.

And there on Calvary, He took our sins and our grief, and shed His precious blood for our sins, and full atonement was made for me for you.  And because of His great sacrifice and His resurrection, He is now seated upon His throne, but has sent the Holy Spirit to bring comfort to our troubled hearts.  Oh, such a precious Lord we serve!

And He waits for each of His children to come home to their eternal home and His welcoming arms, and oh, what joy awaits each one of us as we behold His face!  And too, there is the promise of His soon return to catch His bride away to be with Him forever, never to leave me, never to leave me alone.

Oh, my friend, receive the precious promise, let Him gather you into His arms in those lonely moments, for you are not alone.  I do pray that if you don’t know Jesus, and your heart is empty and you are looking for something to fill that space, let our God fill that space.  The world will not satisfy you, no matter what you do to try and fill that space.  And then, when you ask Jesus into your heart, you, too will never again be lonely, He will always be there.  Praise the Lord!

Blessings in Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Sharon

Tuesday, January 8, 2013




 As we have entered into the New Year, many have fears of what could lie ahead for our world, our nation and our individual lives.  We put our Christmas decorations away awaiting another season, and some have made their New Year resolutions, which are usually fallen by the wayside by the endof January.

The weather is dark and cold in the natural, and in many of our lives.  It is like many are walking through a dark tunnel and don’t see any light ahead.  But, my friends, only God knows the future.  Last month many waited on a certain day for the world to end, but it didn’t because those great hidden secrets, and the time of the end are known only to our Great God.  Read the words of this wonderful hymn written by Stuart Hamblen.


When my eyes behold the stars, this heart of mine is filled with wonder.  My poor mind cannot grasp their array.  But the hand that spilled them there all across the wide heaven had a plan when he placed them that way.

Refrain:  Known only to Him are the great hidden secrets.  I’ll fear not the darkness when my flame shall dim.  I know not what the future holds but I know who holds the future.  It’s a secret known only to Him.

In this world of fear and doubt, on my knees I ask the question why a lonely heavy cross I must bear.  Then He tells me in my prayer it’s because I am trust worthy.  He gives me strength far more than my share.

Yes, look up into the night sky, when there is not a cloud cover, and see again the array of stars.  We only see a few stars and constellations, but there are galaxies out there that even the scientists cannot fathom.  God has a plan in scattering the stars across the heaven, our Creator God.

“Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things.  Who brings out their hosts by number; He calls them all by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, not one is missing” Isaiah 40:26.

My mind cannot comprehend the majesty of my God when I think of the great secrets of the heavens and beyond, and to think of the billions of stars and galaxies, He has given each one a name!  And he says none of them are missing as he knows each planet, each galaxy and each star.  Oh, what an awesome God we serve!

And yes, we live in a world of fear and doubt, and after recent horrible events in our nation, where can we find the peace and comfort in the midst of such darkness and sorrow coming upon the earth? And some of us do question why we have to carry such heavy burdens, and we may ask Him "Why." That place of quietnesss and rest is found as we are on our knees, in our prayer closets, seeking His face, and there, in the midst of storms and cloudy days, He brings the light to fill our darkness.  And He brings us His precious promises in His Word as we study and pray and hide ourselves in Him.

And when the day comes for each of us to end our journey here, looking ahead to the city just around the next bend or over the next hill, we will not fear as the darkness closes in. There He takes our hand and leads us into the light of His eternity, never to fear, have pain, or tears.  The secret of our time here is known only to Him.  Some of us will meet Him this coming year, some have many valleys to cross, and mountains to climb, but still He is there.  Just this last month we lost a dear saint, as I was able to call on Him, pray for Him, not knowing that I was never to see Him on this earth again. 

So He calls us to be ready, having accepted Jesus as our own personal Savior, and looking ahead to that glorious day, whether we meet Him in death or in the sky as He returns.  So are you ready, my friends.  I call to you once again you make that decision now, as you do not know what each of your days may hold.

But have a blessed New Year, walking with Jesus, keeping your eyes on the goal ahead.  Praise His Holy Name!

Pastor Sharon





Wednesday, January 2, 2013




As I sit here at my computer this evening, my thoughts are full of the Wonderful Presence of Jesus as we walk through dark valleys.  We go through our days, walking the road with Jesus, thinking how wonderful the sunshine of His presence is, the path seems smooth and no obstacles in our pathway.  I am sure many of you go through those times.  Those are times when He leads us in mountain valleys, sunshine on our days, streams of blessings flowing.  The air is pure and sweet, no clouds on the horizon.

Then a routine medical test is performed, one you have had in the past, so problems so you go on your way until the next time that test is ordered.  But then, after the test is completed you hear the word “cancer”, and your life comes to a standstill.  Now the storms come raging in, fear of what lies ahead in surgery and recovery.  And all of a sudden you realize you have to cling to your Lord, and oh, he does bring peace, even in the midst of the haze of medication and pain.

But in the midst of the pain and darkness He brings a song, a song of comfort, of peace.  I have had that experience recently, and in the darkness of the night, I began singing in my spirit, and tears of joy came, even as I was in that state between waking and sleeping.


Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!  Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of His spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight, visions of rapture now burst on my sight; angels descending, bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Saviour am happy and blest; watching and waiting, looking above, filled with His goodness lost in His love.  (Fanny Crosby)

Yes, Jesus is mine, and yours whatever storm you are going through right now.  And as we are heirs of His wonderful salvation, cleansed by His blood.  Oh, praise the Lord!

And we have that taste of His glory to come whatever the outcome may be, and we can be assured that there are angels all around bringing His mercy and whispering His love.  And you can be absolutely lost in that wonderful love that brings such peace that I can’t even try to describe to you the glory surrounding me in those moments.  They are something that will remain deep in my spirit in unexplainable peace and joy.

And then there are the prayers of the saints surrounding me all around the country, in prayer chains, as my name was passed along.

I was reminded of the story of Moses in Exodus 17:9-12.  We see Moses upon the hill, with Aaron and Hur beside Him, as Joshua and the Israelites were fighting the battle in the valley below.  As long as Moses, with His rod in His hand, kept his arms up, the battle was won, but then his arms became tired, and the battle would begin to be lost.

Then Aaron on one side and Hur on the other side, sat him down on a rock, and help up his arms, and the battle was won.  This to me is a picture of our journey in the battle we become tired in the fight and don’t feel that we can go on.  But the prayers of the saints are in a sense lifting up our tired arms, and the battle begins to be won, and victory comes.  Oh, Praise His Name!  I pictured the prayers of my brothers and sisters as a warm soothing blanket being wrapped around me in arms of comfort.

And as Pastor I learned a great lesson.  I minister to so many people, and many of them are in the hospital beds of suffering and pain.  Now it was my turn to be on the other side in the bed myself.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by God”  2 Corinthians 3-4.

Sometimes the Lord will allow us to be put in that place of suffering or pain and we can then say “I have been there, done that” as some would say.  Now, I can walk up to a bedside, and feel the comfort that God brings, and reach out to that one in the bed with a new compassion.  Sometimes you may question also why you must walk through these things, but just remember our “God of all comfort” who may have you then reach out to someone going through that same situation that He has brought you through.

So, as we journey up the path with our Lord, He leads us through many dark valleys and trials, but we can be assured that He is there, with His assurance that we belong to Him, and we can continue to praise Him all the day long and this becomes our song of victory and joy.  And I am reminded that someday the journey will be over, battles will be won and victory will be ours.  So, walk with Jesus this evening, cling close to His hand.

In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Sharon