Tuesday, January 29, 2013



As we near the end of January and greet the Month of February, I realized in looking at my calendar that Easter was at the end of March this year.  And as soon as all the valentines disappear from the shelves, signs of Easter will appear with all the bunnies, eggs and colors of the season.  In working ahead on the newsletter that I send out, I am already doing the Easter issue, and again I am reminded of the cross of Christ afresh.

We are to remember all year, every day of, the cross and our salvation so freely given.  As we walk with Jesus, we look to the death, burial and resurrection of our Precious Lord.  And we thank Him for the gracious gift of Salvation so freely given.

I was reminded again of another old hymn as I was seeking the Lord on what He wanted me to share with you today.  As we walk this pathway of life, we are reminded in this great old song, that there is only one way to gain Heaven as our eternal home.  There are many voices out there today saying that there are many paths to God and Heaven.

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” Acts 4:12.

No, my friends there is no other way, only in the Name of Jesus will you find salvation.  Your works won’t save you, your possessions or any other way.  Only Jesus, who walked the way of the cross, brings salvation.

But let me share with you this song and what God’s Word says about Eternity with Jesus.  This song was written by Jessie Pound, and the music was composed by Charles H. Gabriel, who wrote several of our great hymns.  Jessie was born in 1861 in Hiram, Ohio.  Her father was Rev. Holland Brown.  In all, Jessie wrote 9 books, 50 cantatas, and over 400 hymns.

This hymn could have been inspired by a popular sermon illustration circulating during those days.  The geographical heart of London is Charing Cross, which is referred to locally as “the Cross.”  A London police officer came upon a lost child who was unable to tell him where he lived.  Finally, amid sobs and tears, the child simply said, “If you will take me to the Cross, I think I can find my way home from there.”


“I must needs go home by the way of the cross, there’s no other way but this; I shall ne’er get sight of the Gates of Light, if the way of the cross I miss.

Refrain:  The way of the cross leads home, the way of the cross leads home; it is sweet to know, as I onward go, the way of the cross leads home.

I must needs go on in the blood-sprinkled way, the path that the Savior trod, if I ever climb to the heights sublime, where the soul is at home with God.

Then I bid farewell to the way of the world, to talk in it nevermore; for my Lord says, “Come,” and I seek my home, where He waits at the open door.”

Oh, my friends, I must continue to walk the way of the cross, there is no other way, but that pathway that our Lord trod.  I pray that you too are walking on that narrow pathway to those Gates of Light.

“Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go by in it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it” Matthew 7:13-14.

In this life we have many choices to make, but when it comes to eternity, there are only two choices, heaven or hell, or the wide way which leads to destruction or the narrow way which leads to life eternal.  Which road are you traveling, my friends?  If you miss the way of the cross, you will miss the promise of life eternal with Jesus and our Heavenly home.

Yes, the road is narrow, and difficulties will arise.  There will be times of trial, storms will come across your pathway, but Jesus has walked that way before us.  And that pathway He trod was the “blood-sprinkled way.”  He walked up that lonely hill to Calvary, bearing His cross.  He had stripes on His back, and crown of thorns on His brow, but He walked that pathway and shed His precious blood for you, for me.  And the only way to salvation is through that cross of Christ.

And oh what joy to walk that path with Jesus, and to be at home with Him forever!   I was reminded recently of a dear brother who has trod that path, climbed to the “heights sublime, and is at home with his Lord.  And during his brief illness, which shortly led to His death, he thought he would be released from the hospital and go back to his little apartment.  But as his daughter later said, “He thought he was going home, and he went "home.”  Now isn’t that precious?  And this brother in the Lord did indeed walk the way of the cross for many, many years.

And the way of the cross calls us to bid farewell to the pleasures of this world, and repent of our sin, and follow Him on that narrow pathway.  Repentance simply means to turn around and go the other direction.  It would mean leaving the wide road that leads to destruction and take that pathway that leads to home.  And there, Jesus waits with open arms, waiting for you, my friends.  And when you walk that last mile, He will invite you to come in and be with Him forever.

Oh, I pray that you will walk the way of the cross, for the way of the cross will lead to your eternal home.  And if you have not made that choice today, and you are walking on the wrong pathway, make that decision now, and walk the narrow road with Jesus on the way to your eternal home.  Just ask Him to come into your heart and He will come with all His love for you, and fill you with His wonderful joy and peace that He only can give, all because of the cross.  Praise His Holy Name!

In His Blessed Name,
Pastor Sharon







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