Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dear Friends,

I am off on another journey, and will be back with you on the 17th of July.  And I will be looking for more insights from the Holy Spirit regarding our journey here as pilgrims to share with you.  So keep looking up and no matter what the storms may be that come your way, He promises that He will never leave you, even though the way my be dark and dreary for you at that moment. But always remember that His Light shines through the darkest days.

We have that "Blessed Hope" and we look for His soon return, but He also calls us to "Occupy till He comes," so keep working for Jesus, praying, walking in the Spirit and telling others about Jesus.

The world is dark out there, people desperately need to hear about the hope that only Jesus can bring.  So we need to be reminded of the Cross of Calvary and His sacrifice for our sins and His love for us, and to share the message with others who may not even know Jesus loves them, as I shared in a previous blog.

So God bless and keep you in His special care;

In Jesus' Name,
Pastor Sharon

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