Sunday, July 20, 2014



As I am sitting here today, my heart is so heavy.  It has been such a trying week.  We have seen our precious loved one go from straight and tall to almost completely bedridden with pain and disease.  As I sit by her bedside, my heart is grieved.  I remember the days together and the joy we shared.  And I don’t ask “why?”  I know that my God is in control and He brings peace in the midst of our stormy times and He is aware of my tears.

I know that many of you out there are in similar situations with loved ones right now.  I can imagine you sitting at bedsides as we have done this week, wishing and praying for relief from their pain and not knowing what the future holds for that loved one.

As I was praying and wondering what to share with you today, a lovely song came to me.  It is a lovely song in praise to our Precious Jesus and His Wonderful Name.  Oh, what peace to sit before Him and just speak the name “Jesus.”  He calls us to take His name wherever we go and in whatever situation we find ourselves in, and just to slowly and prayerfully whisper how very precious is that name, the name of Jesus!  So take His name into every hospital room, every bedside, everywhere there is pain and suffering and times of grief.  This is a precious hymn written by a lady of great faith in great times of sickness.  Be blessed as you read the story of this hymn: “Take the Name of Jesus with You.”

“Although Lydia Baxter was a bedridden invalid for much of her life, people who were depressed came to visit her in order to have their spirits lifted.  Christian leaders often met in her home for prayer and Bible study.

Lydia loved to study the Bible and had a special joy in learning the meaning of scriptural names.  But the Name above all names to her was Jesus.

When she was asked how she could remain so cheerful, she responded, “I have a very special armor.  I have the name of Jesus.  When the tempter tries to make me blue or despondent, I mention the name of Jesus, and he can’t get through to me anymore.  When I feel badly and wonder if I will ever enjoy a good night’s sleep again, I take the name of Jesus and ask Him to give me the soothing balm of His presence.  He does, and soon I drop off to sleep.”

When Lydia was sixty-one years old, she wrote this testimony of her life: “Take the Name of Jesus with You.”


Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow and of woe; it will joy and comfort give you, take it, then, where’er you go.

Precious Name, O how sweet!  Hope of earth and joy of Heavn’n, Precious name, O how sweet!...hope of earth and joy of Heav’n.

Take the name of Jesus ever, as a shield from ev’ry snare; if temptations round you gather, breathe that holy name in prayer.

O the precious name of Jesus!  How it thrills our souls with joy, when His loving arms receive us, and His songs our tongues employ!

At the name of Jesus bowing, falling prostrate at His feet, King of kings in Heav’n we’ll crown Him, when our journey is complete.  (Lydia Baxter 1809-1874)

If you have felt, as I have, this past week like a “child of sorrow and woe”, take that Name, that Precious Name into worship, into your private time, let Him comfort you and then you can take it out into your world with His joy and comfort.

And if temptations come, temptations to doubt His loving care, to feel like He really doesn’t care, just breathe that Name in prayer, “Jesus”.

And someday, we will bow at His feet, seeing Him face to face at last.  When at last our journey is over and we cross that swelling tide, the Name of Jesus will be on our lips, and we will join the heavenly choir, ever thankful for the Name of Jesus and that He was there in all the struggles we had on this earth, and now we will be with Him for eternity and breathe His Name forever in His Presence.

“So today I bring all those who are grieving for precious loved ones or friends, sitting there by bedsides and sometimes the tears are flowing, to wrap your loving arms around them, let them feel Your Presence as they breathe Your holy Name in prayer, “Jesus.”  Thank you, Jesus, for being our Comforter and for the Power of Your Precious Name!  In Jesus’ Name, Amen”

Pastor Sharon

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