Friday, January 29, 2016




As we were sharing in a recent Bible Study, we were reading the scripture in I Peter 1: 12, which talks about our great salvation, and the things prophets shared beforehand and “which angels desire to look into.”


And I remembered a hymn from my childhood. I even remember the man who sang it as a solo. It always intrigued me as a child, that the angels would actually fold their wings, as they hear our redemption story.


It has meant much to me over the years. I miss these old hymns which meant so much to us so many years ago. Most of them are not even in our hymnbooks today. It takes research to even find the lyrics. I believe our young people today are missing out so much by not being exposed to the great hymns in our hymnbooks and the great ones that are not sung any more.


There are great praise songs and choruses that are a blessing, but let us go back to the hymns which speak so much of our salvation and the work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Here is that wonderful hymn, written by Joseph Oatman, Jr. who wrote many of our great hymns in the past. Some of you may also remember this old hymn from your childhood, so be blessed!




“There is singing up in heaven such as we have never known, where the angels sing the praises of the Lamb upon the throne; their sweet harps are ever tuneful and their voices always clear, O that we may be more like them while we serve the Master here!


REFRAIN: Holy, holy, is what the angels sing, and I expect to help them make the courts of heaven ring; but when I sing redemption’s story, they will fold their wings, for angels never felt the joys that our salvation brings.


But I hear another anthem, blending voices clear and strong, “Unto Him who hath redeemed us and hath bought us,” is the song; we have come thro’ tribulations to this land so fair and bring, in the fountain freely flowing He has made our garments white. REFRAIN


Then the angels stand and listen, for they cannot join that song, like the sound of many waters, by that happy, blood-washed throng; for they sing about great trials, battles fought and vict’ries won, and they praised the great Redeemer, who hath said to them, “Well done.”  REFRAIN


So, although I’m not an angel, yet I know that over there I will join a blessed chorus that the angels cannot share; I will sing about my Savior, who upon dark Calvary, freely pardoned my transgressions, died to set the sinner free.” REFRAIN


Oh, my heart rejoices that my sins are forgiven, and someday I will join in that mighty throng of believers down through the ages, praising my Lord forever. Can you imagine that day? Oh,

 I  believe it is soon that we will join those multitudes praising around the throne.


“And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, “Alleluia” For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!” Revelation 19:6.


And as we gather in that mighty blood bought throng, we will sing about the battles won and the great victories that were won, as we served our Precious Lord! Oh, I so pray that you, out there will be in that multitude, singing praises to our God who has redeemed us and bought us for all eternity. You can ask Him in right now, He is waiting for you. He will pardon your sins and wash you white in the blood of the Lamb. You don’t know what tomorrow holds or even the next hour. You need Jesus!


In Jesus’ Name,

Pastor Sharon


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