Tuesday, February 1, 2011


As I walk among people, walk in malls and stores, I see in people’s faces a longing for something deep inside.  Some have deep hurts from their past, they feel rejected and alone.  Oh, they have achieved in life everything they dreamed of in life, college education, success in their careers, lovely homes and “things” but there is a void inside and they continue to strive for more and more.  And somewhere along the way their hearts have become hard toward the things of the Lord.  They may have walked with Him at one time, but the cares of this life, the hurts of this life have turned them away from His love.  How about your life today?  Are you in a desert place, dry, empty and alone?  Do you feel like He will never receive you back into His fold?

In the book of Jeremiah we see him crying out for his people, mourning because they were lost, unrepentant, and he continually cried out that God did love them and wanted to receive them back into his waiting arms.

“Is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there?  Why then is there no recovery for the health of the daughter of my people?  Jeremiah 8:22

Now Gilead was a place nearby which was noted for its medicine.  This medicine came from a certain kind of tree and the sap was made into healing medicine.  

The prophet was questioning why there was no recovery for his people.  There was no recovery for their sin sick souls because they refused to be healed, their hearts were hard. They did not want the medicine that God offered.  They were worshipping idols and had rejected their God.  And we see later that they were carried into captivity and their temple was destroyed.

I want to tell you today that there is a “Balm in Gilead.”  His name is Jesus Christ, the Messiah.  Jesus came to this earth to die for you, to give you eternal life, to give you peace and joy deep down inside.  The blood of Jesus is a balm for the soul, it is healing medicine.  The prophet looked forward to the day when Messiah would come.  Won’t you accept His healing medicine today?  It is at the cross of Christ that are sins are washed away, and we are made as white as snow.

Come now, let us reason together,”
Says the LORD, though
Your sins are like scarlet, they
Shall be as white as snow;
Through they are red like
Crimson, they shall be as wool.
Isaiah 1:18

There is nothing on this earth that can heal the disease of sin.  We have all fallen short of His glory.  In Romans 3:23 we read: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”  He alone is able to restore, heal and redeem us from the perils of sin. The blood of Christ, which was poured out on the cross for our sins is the balm that we need to cure our sin sick souls and bring us eternal life.

We read in Matthew 8:2-3 about the man who had leprosy who asked Jesus if He was willing to heal his disease.  Jesus said, “I am willing.”  Jesus is always ready and willing to heal.  There is no area in our souls that Jesus is not willing to heal.  Won’t you ask Him today?  Only the blood of Christ can make you clean and well.

David cried out in Psalm 51:12: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.   Cast me not away from Thy Presence, O LORD and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, and renew a right spirit within me.”

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I bring the lost out there to You.  I bring those who have strayed from the fold, and feel as if they can never be forgiven for things they have done.  Thank You, Jesus, that at the cross we can find cleansing, as your precious blood is the very balm for our sin sick souls.  So I pray that You, Lord Jesus, draw them to Yourself, by the power of Your Holy Spirit.  May they feel your wonderful peace within, and that empty place in their hearts will be filled with joy, and they will be satisfied at last!  And they will walk in Your forgiveness and Your love.  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN……..

Pastor Sharon

Some of you may remember this very old hymn:



There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul

Sometimes I feel discouraged,
And think my works in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit
Revives my soul again.


If you can’t preach like Peter,
If you can’t pray like Paul,
Just tell the love of Jesus,
And say He died for all.


Traditional Spiritual

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