Wednesday, March 27, 2013



As we are midweek until Easter Sunday, it is time to refocus on what the Lord Jesus has done for us and His great love.  Can you imagine, as He went through this final week, His thoughts? 

He had entered Jerusalem on the first day of the week, we call Palm Sunday.  The crowds had gathered, many people in the city for Passover and its celebrations.  The crowds must have been enormous.  Jesus comes down the Mount of Olives to enter the city on the colt of a donkey.  And our Lord and Savior was weeping! He looked out over the city and looked into the future and saw its destruction. "
 For you see, they rejected the very Messiah they were waiting for.  They thought Jesus was coming to overthrow the Romans and set up an earthly kingdom, but he came to offer His life as the supreme sacrifice, The Lamb of God!  He came to His own and His own received Him not” John 1:11.

There along the pathway, they threw down their cloaks and waved palm branches to welcome their king, and His heart must have been so heavy!  And these same crowds would crucify Him just a few days later.  He came on a lowly colt of a donkey, but kings who come to conquer come on their horses. 

But someday, my friend, our King will come back, not meekly riding the foal of a donkey, but He will come back as “The Conquering King!  Oh, what a day that will be!

On Thursday, we traditionally celebrate “The Lord’s Supper.”  There He gathered one last time with His disciples to share the Passover meal and His love for them, and then they would go out and it was night.  There He would face the ordeal in the Garden before His arrest.

I think of the cross and what it stands for.  We wear them around our necks, bedeck them in precious jewels, put them up on our churches.  But the cross was the place of execution, of mockery, of horror!

The cross beams of the cross stand pointing in two directions:  One points back into history and all the hundreds of prophecies pointing to the coming Messiah.  The other one points to the day Christ died, where the price had been paid once and for all by the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  The cross divides history in two.  And the beam of the cross points upward, up into the heavens, where He has gone to prepare a place for you, for me.

And at the foot of the cross is where the blood of Jesus dripped down.  At the foot of the cross is where we kneel and our sins are forgiven.  And millions and millions of people down through the ages have knelt there and received the salvation offered by The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  And my friend, there is still room for you there.

 Room at the Cross for You

“The cross upon which Jesus died is a shelter in which we can hide.  And its grace so free is sufficient for me, and deep is its fountain, as wide as the sea.

There’s room at the cross for you, there’s room at the cross for you.  Tho’ millions have come, there is still room for one.  Yes, there’s room at the cross for you.

Tho’ millions have found Him a friend and have turn’d from their sins they have sinned.  The Savior still waits to open the gates, and welcome a sinner before it’s too late.

The hand of my Savior is strong, and the love of my Savior is long.  Through sunshine or rain, through loss or in gain, the blood flows from Calv’ry to cleanse every stain.  (Ira stanphill)

My friends out there, where are you today?  Do you feel like you have committed so many sins, and feel so lost that there is no longer any hope for you eternally?  There is still room at that cross for you. 

There Jesus stands, His arms outstretched, waiting for you.  And as we look around our world and the events taking place, I would not want to be without Jesus!  And you do not know what tomorrow may hold for you.  It is a scary world without Jesus.  I just heard of a man my husband was acquainted with through work.  He suddenly died in His sleep, and He did not know Jesus.  And recently, we learned of a young nephew who died in His sleep suddenly, and oh, he did love and serve Jesus, and what glory He must be experiencing.  Which path are you on?

The Lord is patient and not willing any should perish. (2 Peter 3:9)  And no matter what the weather, what storms are going on in your life right now, the blood of Jesus is still flowing to cleanse your heart from sin and to give you peace and eternal life.

So, my friends, if you don’t know Jesus as your own personal Savior, take time this Easter week and give your heart to Jesus.  And what a wonderful Resurrection Sunday you will experience!  Your life will be changed, new life with Jesus now and forever.

Blessings in Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Sharon







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