Friday, May 10, 2013



I have been pondering lately over the path that I am walking on at this time in my life.  A year ago I was walking a different path entirely.  I was busy in the ministry, healthy in body, no worries about future health issues.  I was following my Lord on a path that seemingly was an easy path.  Oh, there was a time of grief and much sorrow, but I knew He was there to comfort in that particular time.

We all have times like that in our lives.  And it seems as we become older in our years, the path seems to become harder to climb.  There are storms of wind and rain, rocks in our pathway, decisions to be made on which way to go.  But isn’t it wonderful to know that Jesus is right there, holding my hand and leading me all the way.  I know many of you are going through great trials right now.  There is pain in your body, financial issues, concerns for your children and grandchildren, and many more problems as we travel this path with Jesus.

And I think of others in the past who had great difficulties in their lives but were able, with the Lord’s help, to go on and do great things for Him.  I am thinking of the great blind hymn writer, Fanny Crosby, who lived a century ago and wrote hundreds of our wonderful hymns.  And she trusted the Lord to lead her and provide for her each step of the way.

One day she needed five dollars and didn’t know where she would get it.  So she prayed about it.  A few minutes later a stranger knocked at her door.  When she answered it, the man gave her a five-dollar bill and the turned around and left.

Crosby was amazed at the Lord’s marvelous timing.  Later she wrote, “I have no way of accounting for this except to believe that God, in answer to my prayer, put it into the heart of this good man to bring the money to me.  My first thought was, “It is so wonderful the way the Lord leads me.”


All the way my Saviour leads me; what have I to ask beside?  Can I doubt His tender mercy, who through life has been my Guide?  Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in Him to dwell! For I know, whate’er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well; Jesus doeth all things well.

All the way my Saviour leads; me, cheers each winding path I tread, gives me grace for every trial, feeds me with the living bread.  Though my weary steps may falter, and my soul a thirst may be, gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! A spring of joy I see; gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! A spring of joy I see.

All the way my Saviour leads me; oh, the fullness of His love! Perfect rest to me is promised in my Father’s house above.  When my spirit, clothed immortal, wings its flight to realms of day, this my song thro’ endless ages; Jesus lead me all the way; this my song thro endless ages; Jesus lead me all the way. (Fanny J. Crosby1820-1915)

In the words of this wonderful hymn we see, as we walk this path with Jesus, His guidance, Trust in Him, and our confidence that that the path we tread will someday lead us to our heavenly home.

Sometimes when the skies are dark in our lives and we can’t see through our tears and our pain, we start to doubt that tender mercy and care.  But by faith, He brings the heavenly comfort and we can know that whatever comes our way, Jesus doeth all things well.

“For this God is our God forever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death” Psalm 48:14.

And isn’t it wonderful to know that no matter how winding the path is, He gives me the grace for every trial, even the trial of cancer and the treatments following.  And I know of many who are walking that path right now, but are trusting in His grace and mercy, even though their weary steps may falter along the trail.

“They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by springs of living water shall he guide them” Isaiah 49:10.

Oh, what wonderful promises in God’s Word.  He satisfies His children with the Living bread, which is His Word.  He is that Living Bread that satisfies our every need.  He is the Living Water that satisfies our thirsty souls.  He is the Rock of our Salvation. Oh, Praise His Holy Name.

We have had thunderstorms in our area and lightening in the evenings.  The days are beautiful, lovely clouds, warm.  But toward evening things begin to change.  That is the way our walk with the Lord is.  We have lovely days and then the storms come and it is dark and the thunder roars.  But we have that promise that down the road and over the next hill, maybe around that next steep mountain, we are promised perfect rest in our Father’s House (John 14:1-2). 

And that will be our song through the ages, that Jesus led us all the way.  How is it with you this day?  Are you struggling with great trials?  Let Jesus be your guide.  If you don’t know Him as your own personal Saviour ask Him into your heart today, He is waiting for you.  Don’t put it off another day, another hour.  Jesus loves you so much!

In Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Sharon

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