Tuesday, October 23, 2012



In my recent journey of memories, we found an old group picture of church summer camp.  Many groups were there from different churches, and each group was dressed in special outfits for the camp picture.  And there in the middle of this large group was mother, myself, my cousin, and others who were there from our church for a wonderful week of hearing God’s Word, fun and fellowship.  I went to this camp from the time I was nine years old through my last year of high school, and there were so many memories as we looked through these pictures. And many of my commitments for my life ahead, and my walk and service for the Lord were made around the campfire at camp.  Oh, such precious memories!

The camp is in the High Sierra Mountains, and as the road winds ever closer to the camp, it gets very narrow, with cliffs on the side, and thick forests.  And on this particular trip to camp mother was driving, and in the car were my cousin and another lady from our church, and may have been others in the car.  This lady’s name was Mina and she was terrified of those mountain curves.  And as mother drove around those curves she began to sing:

 Why worry when you can pray.
Trust Jesus, He leads the way.
Don’t be like doubting Thomas
Who leaned not on His promise,
Why worry, worry, worry
When you can pray.

As I remember, mother sang that song over and over all the way into the camp, and Mina became calm and was reminded when she was fearful, she should pray, and the Lord would calm her fears, and she could look forward to her week at camp, and the drive back down that mountain, around those curves, back down into the valley.

And as we, as God’s children, continue our journey in this life, there will be many mountain passes to travel through also.  Some of our “mountain” journey will lead us to those wonderful mountain top experiences with the Lord.  As a child and continuing on into high school, those moments at camp were so precious with the Lord, that I did not want to leave the mountain and go home.  But the time comes when we have to face the challenges ahead and spend time in the valleys. 

And no matter how steep the mountain may become, our Lord has walked that path before you, and He knows what is ahead and around the next curve.  And someday, we will round the last bend, and there ahead of us will be our destination, heaven at last.

I remember so well going around those curves, and the last climb into the camp ground.  There was an old oak tree, from which the camp was named, and there was the archway leading into camp, and there we could see at last all the camp before us, the lodge, and the dormitories where we stayed and so on. And, especially as a child, I was so excited!  Can you imagine with me the excitement climbing that last curve and down the road and there is your heavenly home?  Heaven won’t begin to compare with summer camp, but it will be permanent, never having to go back to the valley, never having to go back to sorrow or pain. We will never have to leave the “mountain top” again.  Praise the Lord!

And as we travel through the “mountains of our lives”, He calls us not to worry when the way gets rough.  We live in tough times, life for some is very hard and difficult.  Some worry where the next paycheck will come from so they can feed their families.  But listen to the words of Jesus, as He calls us not to worry about tomorrow:

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘what shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ “For after all these things the Gentiles seek.  For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.  “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” Matthew 6:31-34.

The Lord is telling us in this hour not to worry about draught, or water shortages, or buying clothing tomorrow, for ourselves or our children.  Our Wonderful Lord knows that we need the basic necessities of life.  But look at what He says is the solution to our worries about tomorrow.  He calls us to seek His kingdom, walk with Him, serve Him and make Him the Lord of our lives.  And how do we do that?  It is by spending time in prayer and reading His Word.  His Word is full of His precious promises to you, to me.  His Word is “our daily bread,” as we read, pray and meditate on those precious promises.

And He calls us not to worry about what may happen tomorrow, not to be fearful about those things coming to pass in our world.  He wants us to just live for today, right now.  Tomorrow will have its own troubles.

“But you, when you pray, to into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” Matthew 6:6.

So when those worries began to come, and you become anxious about the needs in your life, go into your prayer closet (your room) and shut the door and pour it out to your Lord, as He will hear from heaven, and will being you peace in the situation, and we serve a Wonderful prayer answering God.

And if you don’t know Jesus as your personal Savior, and you are filled with fear and anxiety about the future, call on Him now.  He is waiting for you.  And you, too, can learn to lean on His promises and instead of being filled with worry, you can pray.

And we all look forward to that wonderful day, after all the struggles on our journey on the steep pathway home, we will “See Our Home, Sweet Home.”  And we will never have to worry again.  Praise the Lord!


Home, sweet home,
Home, sweet home.
Where I’ll never roam.
I see the light of
That city so bright,
My home, sweet home.
(N.B. Vandall)

 In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Sharon



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